
Those lines on the pavement are such an optical illusion.. I had to kinda focus for a second there to realize that the car wasn't bent.

I'm still trying to figure out how a company can own the exclusive rights to a process of making metal.

@Cat Eyes: Any time I'm tailgated aggressively I can't see them.. Sometimes being a lowered car has its disadvantages. :P

Went to the ALMS this year at Mazda Raceway and I didn't even pay attention to the LMP2 class, when they come around again I'm definitely going to be looking out for this.

I honestly didn't think I would ever see a car that has the same form that is uglier than a Del-Sol..

@McMike: I love em too, but the only complaint I have is what happened to that picture during the digitizing phase? Looks like someone messed up on the colors.

Sarah Palin could not be reached for comment.

@grzydj: I noticed that... If I had just gotten something thrown through my drive through window I would NOT be serving the next person right away.

@driggity: You're right.. For some reason the source I found on for the specs of the original Droid said that it had a A8 550 MHz processor in it which would be utter crap compared side by side with the 600 MHz OMAP that it actually has.

@SirSpectre: I'm trying to figure out how a stock clocked 550 MHz Cortex processor is the same as a 1 GHz TI OMAP... I am pretty sure that the OMAP processor runs circles around the cortex. Not only that, but just because you "match" the clock speed does not mean that you're getting the same performance.

From the article: "Copier and Printer systems vendors can now use Toshiba's Wipe Technology to securely invalidate sensitive document image data by automatically erasing the SED's internal encryption key. This feature can easily be used prior to system disposal or re-purposing to ensure that private data never leaves

@Gilliam: Okay... I really hope you don't get the banhammer because that was damn good.

The whole mouse sensitivity issue - I picked myself up a MX518 when it was brand new around 4-5 years ago. It has sensitivity buttons built into the mouse which is great when I'm working in Photoshop or I just need more precise (Or more frantic) mouse pointing.

Murilee, I thought you had moved to Detroit and there would be no more DOTS coming from Alameda anymore?

@foxtick: Excellent story, lets just hope that your step-grandmother or your step-father read Jalopnik's comment section. ;)

@upwindsquid: I don't think that'd fit in the 10 min max youtube allows. D: