
He was exonerated, yet the university still moved *him* out of the class, not his accuser. Then someone else starts defaming him and the university does nothing about it. But of course, Jezebel thinks that somehow he’s in the wrong for complaining about it, because he’s male.

I really wish *some* of you would actually read the damn complaint, because it’s the *guy* making the claims of sexual harassment, and y’all are crowing over it. It’s...gotdammit, you’re doing the *exact thing* that we tell the MRAs feminists don’t do.

Love the comments. /sarcasm

So my understanding of his complaint is that a.) there is a letter that uses female pronouns when discussing victims of sexual assault and therefore b.) it was unfair that a complaint of sexual misconduct against him was investigated and, EVEN UNDER A LOWER BURDEN OF PROOF, he was found not responsible?

If the school is in the business of handling some harassment they must handle all harassment and he’s claiming that they only care about harassment by men against women and not vice versa. According to him, they took her (and other female students) harassment claim very seriously while ignoring his. That’s enough to


Doesn’t say that. Just says he was exonerated and was kicked out of the class. Maybe he feels she should have been the one kicked out. Maybe they both should be kicked out...

Yeah, I do not get why the university is dealing with these issues at all.

Can’t agree with the “why would he want to be in the same....” argument. Not ever. That gets used against waaaayyyy too many people — including rape victims!. When my home state amended the constitution to ban marriage, people told me “just leave.” What would ever make you think that’s OK?

If she’s harassing another student via Twitter, the school could absolutely discipline her for that. I would certainly expect a school to discipline a male student who was harassing a female student on Twitter or otherwise “off” campus. And if she used the school’s internet, then I can virtually guarantee that they

He’s not complaining that they investigated him, he’s complaining that he was cleared and his accuser continued to harass him, and the school didn’t do anything to stop it. If he is completely innocent (as opposed to just “not enough evidence to convict”), then that’s a pretty big fuck up on the part of the school.

Incorrect. If she changes her mind but fails to tell the male with whom she *initiated* sex, he would not be a rapist.

There a difference between hating them, trash talking them to your friends and actively working to sabotage or undermine their career. Mia Farrow did none of those things.

Nah, its mostly because you and another commenter are acting like dicks because the internet outrage (which, let’s be clear, isn’t any more or less trite than yours) another commenter expressed wasn’t the flavor you prefer.

1) 5 seasons of “Girls” has taught me that 1) the only redeemable characters on the show are men, and 2) that Lena Dunham doesn’t know how to, or doesn’t want to write compelling roles for Black people. So I don’t think binge-watching the Shonda Rimes lineup is the answer. Your initial comment of “we are people

Right now I’m imagining a world where people just accept a young man’s attempt at empathising without ripping him to shreds over semantics. You're the worst.

You know what? I gotta ask: Why are you and thoac up there trying so damn hard to turn people into MRA’s?

He’s drawing a connection in the only way most men can. “Feel the same thing we feel” is an unreasonable, unattainable goal in the real world for this subject. I cannot feel the same visceral reaction you feel, because sexual assault is not a real threat for me, or for That_Other_Guy. It’s an utterly foreign concept

Jez is over there. Somewhere over there. Just down around the corner. Keep on. You'll find it soon