
I agree that it is a waste of electricity but I pay for it like everyone else.

It’s releasing on netflix

Hear me out - what if we gave someone other than a straight, white guy a chance to direct a Star Wars trilogy to maybe inject the franchise with some genuinely new ideas?

Fuck that! Johnson and JJ could have coordinated their effort into a cohesive vision, but they both let their egos get in the way. Neither of them deserve any further association with the franchise.

Why not have Rian Johnson make ONE good Star Wars movie before agreeing to let him do three more. Sigh...

I disagree. It was well filmed but the script wasnt good by any chance. Filled with plot holes and errors in logic, like other Rian’s films. He is a good director, but not a good writer. At least not for something that is not surreal in nature (the logic flaws wouldnt mind there, surrealism has its on logirules).

Who the heck wants a Rian Johnson Star Wars trilogy anyway? The man COMPLETELY ruined Luke Skywalker and made a mockery of the original Star Wars movies with the abomination of a movie that was “The Last Jedi”. Keep him FAR away from Star Wars in the future please.

and was the best film IMO fight me

Growing Pains Theme is the best Sitcom Theme of all time.

Seems I’m alone on this but I hated this little shit. But at least he’s responsible for this ace Paul F. Tompkins tweet.

While yes, I agree I was being disingenuous with my comment of Not that many.. In reference though to most AAA and Popular games, most are always released on Console as well. PC Exclusives for the most part seem to be relegated to almost Indie Status games, or remakes/upscale versions of games of old. I think maybe

Lol, no one cares about those shit movies anymore. Disney should just bury those movies deep in the Arizona desert and start over with Favreau and Filoni.

I can do it in 4 seconds:

My nephew just bought wireless Wyze outdoor cams to field test in the Caribbean.

Now you know the answer to that...

The video is a 46 minute interview with Paul W.S. Anderson, with about 20 seconds of movie footage at the 42:08 mark. It’s pretty impressive, but personally, I don’t want to listen to Paul W.S. Anderson for 40 minutes. Just skip ahead for the clip.

Forget impeachment. Raise your hand if you agree everyone in this administration should be on trial at The Hague.

Unless you want to make Apple a public utility, its a little ridiculous to call them out. You don’t have to like Apple, their 30% cut or anything else they do. However, it is their product, their app store, and their policies that these companies agreed too. To underhandedly sneak in the backdoor solution that Epic

I don’t care enough to actually watch the video but I really hope that was a joke. That thing is just stupid looking.

This listicle format is evil.