
It’s stuff like this, Googles frequent ability to completely kill off one of their platforms, that makes me wonder why anyone would invest in their products. As soon as they announced Stadia, I thought there’s no way in hell I’m putting money into that digital game locker.

Why even ask? Do you want me to tell you if TV’s went back to RGB cables?

Yeah but a large part of Disney involves indoor stores and rides. Places where it would be impossible to regulate what people touch in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. They couldn’t possibly disinfect everything.

Oh boy. I could feel that boot chime reverberate through my body. Imagine hearing that with a full blown surround sound system.

But who took that pic?

Didn’t they already stop making the other Xbox consoles? So what’s the problem?

Very interesting.

If they have an ending already formulated, I have no problem with this. Season 3 may have been my favorite season. If they can keep the show, the characters interesting, I’m all for it. But I do hope that it wraps up sooner than later. 

God.... I love Rogue One so much. The only shining light, for me, to come from Disney Star Wars so far.

Yeah I don’t know. We just need to get Trump out. This stuff can be figured out later once we have a new administration.

May not happen now that the Trump administration controls the data. Here in Arizona we went from over 100 deaths a day to no deaths in as little as 2 weeks. It doesn’t make any sense.

Isn’t unlimited data pretty affordable right now? I’m with AT&T and have been paying for unlimited data since the first iPhone. I can’t imagine what life would be like with a data cap on a cellphone.

I mean, I really loved my Nest until Google killed the “works with Nest” functionality. Nest was compatible with everything until that happened.

Yeah but what new features do the PS5 controllers have aside from slightly more advanced vibration features? There really isn’t anything there worth pushing developers to take advantage of. The PS4 controller introduced the touchpad and not every game took advantage of that.

Is it just me, or does the quality of those figures look pretty bad for $25.

It’s insane to me that these “leaders” can continue to make these high level decisions. Especially when all it seems to show is that their actions are leading to more people getting sick and having to be hospitalized. That makes them dangerous to me. But they’re allowed to stay in office and people just get to keep on