cloudXsephiroth v2

Something like that happened last year with the Eldritch Moon set. Basically, booster packs with artwork of the character Liliana had a higher percentage of chase rares.

Dear lord, I remember being in college when YGO! first came out, and me and my friends would take the booster packs—one in each hand—to try and feel for the slightest weight difference between them to try and search out the foils.

Seeing as how long we had to wait for Black Widow...maybe we’ll get Mantis and Nebula in the “Infinity War” line?

I’ve read that Funko can cover characters whose actors’ likeness rights are difficult to acquire because of the POPs’ generic faces.

As a Figuarts collector, I can attest to this. If you didn’t pick up the Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger Figuarts as they came out, good luck finding them for less than $100 each now. Same goes for some of the early Dragonball Z ones.

Makes sense—David Duke looks like Red Skull wearing a very ineffective skin mask.

I think Steve Rogers’ family includes Irish immigrants, but maybe he was referencing that Stan Lee (I think) is Jewish?

Occasionally our bosses will remind us that we represent the company even when we’re not on the clock, and that the things you say and do in public and online—should they reflect poorly on the company—could result in termination.

Aww, man. Not JonTron. I mean, I like Danny more, but Jon wasn’t totally unwatchable.

Ah, yes—the old “IT’S A MAGAZINE, NOT A CLIP! YOU DON’T GET TO TALK!” routine.

MEN: “If someone has never played football, or been in the military, they should keep quiet about issues pertaining to those topics! Their lack of personal experience equals ignorance!”

“Okay, this one’s Nami, but...”

Why the HELL does that seem to be a popular trend in modern anime—the brother and sister who kinda wanna bang, but it’s okay because [arbitrary reason why they’re not really related, but they still are enough to check that fetish box].

I joke with my One Piece loving friends that Oda creates new female characters by drawing Nami, then picking a random attribute scribbled on a 10000 yen bill out of a hat.

I prefer to lead up to it.

The “let’s let them ramble on unfettered” strategy is how we got to where we are now.

Oh cool! Thanks!

Who’s the pink-haired character at 2:41 in the video? I took a picture of that same cosplayer at Alamo City Comic Con 2014!

Dumb and angry. That’s how the GOP likes its base.