
RE:#2 Bahaha, I have to wonder if that was me. My buddy and I always take the Simeon cars at the dock. Complete dick move, but there is no honor amongst thieves. Definitely not in GTA. So I will park my car so they can not enter the garage and then my partner and I take the driver out and put it in. Real simple.


I really loathe this aspect of GTA online the most, mostly the fact that you still lose money for dying during missions.

I've just been playing with friends. Much nicer experience and with all of us splitting up and doing things like gang battles, store robberies, car sales and armored car hits then dividing up the cash its been a lot more profitable too. Already have the 391k apartment and halfway to owning a Heli.

Actually, it encourages you to spend the money on cars, weapons, ammo, armour and properties rather than keeping large sums of liquid around.

1. Seriously you're that impatient you can't wait. Here's a tip, when the cops are looking for you (i.e. the stars are flashing), take off your mask or put on one. This causes you to lose one star

No your bank account gets deducted directly for deaths, on your statement it is listed as medical expenses. Putting it in the bank prevents another player from picking up a cash bonus for their kill. Normally I get about 100 for a kill, if you have cash I've picked up 1-2k on your body.
The medical expenses are 5% of


I'm not sure how I've avoided the bad kids club but I go up to people's cars and throw a sticky bomb on it. They get real pissed and chase me around until they wreck and die by their own hands. Sometimes I hit the button...but no women or children...scarface taught me better.

Its people like this that make me wonder if it really is better to play games on PC. How many dumbass kids are on Live and PSN? The ratio has to be like 10 dumbasses to every 1 normal person who wants to actually play the game. Passive mode is fine if you want to make sure they can't kill you, but it doesn't

If you're stuck in a session alone, hit start -> Online -> New Session.

Yeah, thankfully they were playing the Rays, Joe Madden is quite the student of the game, and more than most managers, would understand the gravity of the situation and the fact that one of the Legends of the game (properly capitalized) needed to go out in Legendary fashion.

I think it's more of a tradition thing. Back when games didn't have online multiplayer, you'd have a bunch of friends meet up to play. Since it's a little harder getting everybody together than it is now with online, you'd only do this once every other week or so. This meant needing to stay up all night. So everybody

Every fanbase is terrible, but Saints fans are the worst because they've been a fan of the team for what seems like 5 fucking minutes, but will be the first to tell you that they are lifers. Your stadium has been empty for about 40 years. You're not fooling anybody.

I will approve this message!

Let us also not forget that animals cannot consciously, willingly *SIGN* legally binding marriage contracts.

What the people who object to gay marriage based on a (fictional) 'slippery slope' because anything could be legal if enough people wanted it (and many people who argue with them) DON'T seem to understand (at least it's rarely mentioned) - is that they are fundamentally against a democratically run society. They

It's not about "want to bone/marry". It's about consent. A child can't legally consent to being a partner, a dog/horse/cat/springbok can't consent to being a partner. It's not about what somebody wants, it's about a consenting partner agreeing.

I know, right? I mean did this happen with women's suffrage? Was there a great scare that dogs and horses suddenly could vote because women could? Or that children could vote? Or people could vote multiple times?

Luckily there are enough people who treat their pets like children to make up for the idiots who don't want to marry them.

They have no leg to stand on so they make the most ridiculous jump in terms of their "logic" to try to prove a point. Good thing they end up looking even more crazy after these comparisons come through.