
I was asking a question as it relates to international law. If you want to be immature and attack people go ahead. Its sad that so many people like you exist on Kotaku nowadays.

See, this is why I'm confused. Kim Jong Un is being clearly depicted in that movie by Seth Rogen, but I'm imagine if he sued the movie studio who created the film for royalties it would fall on deaf ears. His likeness is helping sell the movie, but I 100% doubt he approved of it, nor is getting paid for being

Christ, I'm asking about copyright and royalties with regards to international laws. If you read through the comments this was clearly explained. Stop being so assinely shortsighted and learn some basic reading comprehension.

Yes, a question mark means its a question, that is how grammar works. Second, China is known for its copyright infringement, well known. I made no comment regarding any other Asian country so I don't know why you brought race into this.

Thank you, and yes, I was specifically asking about how these laws work regarding individuals from a different country.

I see, thanks for the clarification.

Thank you, that makes perfect sense.

I was asking a question, chill out. You know how people learn things? They ask questions. The only one being ignorant here is you; if you can't handle people asking to be informed about how a law works you need to gain some maturity and stop being so childish.

Wait, can someone explain to me why a non-American can sue an American company in an American court regarding an American law? I was under the impression that American laws addressing royalties didn't expanded to people outside the country. I mean, China blatantly copies numerous automobiles, gaming consoles, you

Of the many reasons China has become an economic powerhouse, this isn't one of them. If anything, this is a deterrent.

Completely agree with number three. I went over to watch the US game with friends and acquaintances, and sure enough, there was that one guy, you know the one, that was giving people shit about not being "real" fans. You know the guy, he follows all the European leagues, wears a Real Madrid jersey to work on casual

Wait...wait...people get alcoholic beverages and don't drink them? But, why? I don't care how cheap the wine I received was, I'll drink it watching a comedy show at 1am because...well...that's what cheap wine is for. And cheap hard alcohol, that's best served in sugary mixed drinks where you don't want to use the

I've gone through a share or two of pay cuts when my company was doing poorly. I groaned and accepted it both times. At no point would I stick around if I wasn't receiving a paycheck. My resume would be out there and I would be going to job interviews during lunch the next day. No one should suddenly be expected

Yeah, and last I checked, "Vick" jerseys are still one of the top sellers. That says all you need to know about Atlanta fans.

Worst in the sense that we care so little about our team. Those fan bases you mentioned are rude, obnoxious, and never happy; Atlanta fans don't give a damn, win, lose, change cities.

It really is an interesting story. So many themes, Notre Dame protecting its reputation, the aura of the modern day college athlete, the prevalence of campus sexual abuse, the role depression plays in college. Ultimately it does appear to be a story of Shembo engaging in consensual sexual activity with Lizzy

Speaking as someone from Atlanta, the Falcons do have a few interesting storylines. For starters, Roddy White is quite the character, so I'm sure he'll be focused heavily. Same goes with Steven Jackson and Jones.

It would be a bold, and welcoming (even as a Falcons fan), move on the part of HBO. But lets be realistic here, the NFL will protect itself here, and I doubt it even gets even remotely addressed.

It's worth noting, and I'm not trying to be an Assassins Creed Apologist here, there were several strong female roles in the Black Flag. I think its one thing to not include them as playable characters, and a completely more pressing issue where too many video games overtly sexualize their female characters. It

Are you around Glendale? This is going to come off as more racially opinionated than it needs to be, but hispanic/black gang activity in that area is very bad. Your close enough to the border that Mexican gangs have spread, and the proximity leads to easier transportation of illegal substances across the border.