
Geez, that first guy...wow...

So you're telling me good sir, wait...let me sit down first. Like I said, so you're telling me good sir, that violently smashing a hammer on an electronic device will cause it to break? No wonder my iPhone keeps breaking! I figured it was poor design, but the hammer, it all makes so much sense now. I gotta stop

I've spent my 20s, like so many people I think, making decisions based on what I think other people would want me to do. I'm 29 now and regretting it, but also acknowledging this as an important life lesson.

So very true and wise.

Now THIS is a comment to live one's life on. I'm stealing this, sorry, but it's genius.

Gahhhhhhhhh, I so want to get an Xbox One and buy this game this week. Stupid new home and upcoming wedding. I either get this and use my fiance's old Macbook Pro, or I skip the Xbox One for a year and build a $2000 gaming PC. Ahh! Decisions!

This all sounds great at all, but thanks to [in part Obama] 2015's budget gutting the income-based repayment system my fiance and I are going to have our savings all but eliminated over the next ten years.

I'm not a fan of season passes only because, if they are to be anything like the Call of Duty ones, by the final DLC I'm no longer playing the game. I usually only ever buy the first DLC with these FPS's.

Yes, a million times, yes!

I don't think Comcast has cared about their customers for a long time. There's little stopping them from charging you extra to download video games. At some point gamers just have to realize that they have the cows, the internet connection, we want the milk, the data, and there isn't any other option.

Everyone keeps talking about data caps, but I think that's nearsighted.

"I prefer my music to be on a disc."
Now virtually everyone buys their music online or streams it.


Because you're imagining this fantasy world filled with busty, tanned co-eds complimenting each other's breasts. Real world, having been in co-ed lockers, yeah, they exist, get changed, take a shower, handle your shit, get out. It's not a big deal.

Oh my God a gay man finds me attractive, whatever will I do? Oh right, be a grown ass man and get over myself.

Agreed, especially when they started last gen. I've closed the book on last gen games, so I'm not in the mood to jump back on my PS3 to play a Final Fantasy game.

Man I used to love Final Fantasy, but recently I can't muster up the energy to play one. All these sequels, prequels?, spin-offs, I have no idea what's going on. When's the next one coming out that starts fresh? Seriously, I don't want to worry about having played the previous one.


He has to be drafted, right? I mean, it would be crazy to think the SEC Defensive Player of the Year would go undrafted. Even crazier considering how in demand DE's are in the NFL.

If no one drafts him you can make a case that it was clearly because he is gay. He's one of the best defensive players on one of the best defenses in the NCAA. Is he the best DE coming into the draft, no, but he's definitely in that top tier. When you consider how badly most NFL teams are seeking quality DE's,