Cedric Bixler-Zavala?
Cedric Bixler-Zavala?
It is sort of a sticky pronunciation.
How long do you think that you could live off of beer alone? Not some homemade liquid bread concoction but off-the-shelf beer — any kind you want.
Why do your Vikings insist on sucking so much year to year?
Keep your feet and knees together.
Fuck this noise!
Detroit doesn't even appear on the lists of the other teams in the NFC North. Proving once again that Detroit Lions fans seen at games are just homeless people paid to fill seats.
I just wanted to be part of the discussion. Hooray, Kinja!
If these twits don't at least elect Biggio into the HoF they should all have their votes taken away.
He's an American hero.
I have a Lions fan uncle who — with a straight face — will tell you how a conspiracy by the league and referees kept the Lions terrible for two plus decades.
I had to make a short drive near Lambeau a few hours after the last Vikings - Packers game (which prompted this early beer sales shutdown, BTW) and there was a group of drunken Vikings fans on a corner yelling at passing cars. There was another group a few blocks away fighting amongst themselves. And there were two…
Vikings fans act like they have been in an East German gulag for the last decade when they cross the border into Wisconsin. Worst fans in the country at holding their liquor.
Bird flu, swine flu, contaminated vaccines! The world is a scary place. It's getting to the point where I'm afraid to even cross the street.
If a HoF voter kept someone off of their ballot because "they didn't see the player play enough" they should have their BBWAA credentials stripped and be cast into the sea.
Remember when 3000 hits was impressive? How the fuck does a guy with 3000 hits who played 85% of his games at 2B or catcher not get in the HOF, first ballot?
Joey's soft popcorn muscles should keep him comfortable at night on those hard jail mattresses.
At least a Minnesota Viking finally found a way to get a ring.