I saw GWAR while on acid in Milwaukee in '94. I've seen much better bands many times and better shows than that but c'mon, it was GWAR on acid.
I saw GWAR while on acid in Milwaukee in '94. I've seen much better bands many times and better shows than that but c'mon, it was GWAR on acid.
I've always suspected you were in the pocket of the Orange Growers Association.
Finally, a decent prime time game.
What can you say? The man knows what is bullshit.
Yuniesky Betancourt is the best baseball player in the world!
A gritty, cerebral team like that can't be held down for long. They're like a bunch of coaches on the field out there.
Your NLCS Competitors Will Be The Milwaukee Brewers And St. Louis Cardinals
I always disliked the Jordan-lead Bulls. I never liked dynasty teams. I think they ruin their sport while they are on the run. That's probably part of why I liked them—they had the best chance of anyone of knocking Jordan off during those years.
I don't really have a good answer as to why I liked them so much. I think I liked how "smoothly" they played—they were so well coached. It was in my early-20s and I had quit giving a shit about almost all sports by then. They got me interested in the NBA again which strangely lead me back to baseball which I had…
Loved the 'Stockton to Malone' Jazz. In fact, they got me back to being interested in basketball again the in the late-90s after I had quit caring about sports.
All my rowdy friends are making ridiculous analogies tonight!
I read most of his books when I was age 15-18. (Which, admittedly, was quite a while ago.) But I really don't remember much if any of them. I read a ton of books at that age and I remember a lot from most of them. I remember liking Vonnegut. Hell, I remember really liking Vonnegut but I don't remember much of the…
Can I tell a non-nerdy ruined concert story?
Is it weird that I'm pretty sure that I have never eaten a stalk of celery in my entire life. I scoffed at Ants on a log as a kid.
Seems hard to believe that Cashman could make a bad decision over the last few years.
Admittedly I've never owned an Xbox but if you're buying one mainly to play online the fact that the PlayStation Network is free might be a deciding factor. If you don't mind a little account hacking every now and then the PS3 is the way to go.
Suck it, fools! [games.espn.go.com]