
Maybe this is just a Northern thing but the motherfuckin' Chicken Dance.


A Rolls Royce usually causes someone to lie down on the inside of the car.

You're with me, Oscar.

That's the kind of "You follow me, I'll follow you." stuff that caused a lot of problems in years past.

Way to ruin my night, Phin.

Relegation works in places where one sport is king and there are multiple lower level leagues. It wouldn't work in the US where we have many different professional leagues but they are all different sports.

I had a buddy who used to bite in half every tick he found on himself. He sad if they were going to bite him he was going to return the favor and teach them a lesson. He's a weird dude.

It's got to be something evolutionary. Or maybe it's just that what's generally considered funny has always just been from the males point of view. Either way...

Apparently it is a remake of a quirky Australian show with the same concept but I heard they did a good job. I'm going to watch it tomorrow night.

Sure, we all love those late 80's and early 90's sets but the card companies flooded the market and they ain't worth shit now. Even all my late-60's Topps card that were worth a mint in the 90's have dropped dramatically in price now.

The first season of Louie was really, really good. Even without a second season it's good enough on its own. It's so funny and real that it's sometimes not even funny. But it's just good. (If that makes any sense.)

Not trying to be an ass but does that question really need to be answered?

It is your public duty to hate that dude.

I'd send the email. You can always ask everyone to respect that you would not like to make a big deal of it when you come back. If you do nothing and then come back with a surgery scar after an absence all the speculation might end up being a bigger deal among your coworkers than if you just told them. Chances are, if

It is absolutely fucking amazing how willing normal people are to completely lie through their teeth to save a buck or two or to try to get an employee who they feel slighted them in trouble.

Took us both a while to think of a Rich to make that joke work.

"Goddamn it, I'm Rich."

No, chartreuse is an exception. Any fisherman worth his salt knows that some of the best walleye lures are chartreuse.