
People are blaming the refs? I'd say that 12-25 vs. 2-21 for threes probably had a little something to do with it. Why are fans so stupid? It's always easier to blame someone for a loss rather than accept that your team just got beat I guess.

Last night's Archer was one of the best things to happen to humanity of all time. It's right up there with portable fire and individual pudding packs.

Ha! I think we just agreed there. Didn't we? This is all just filler for me until Opening Day anyway. Then again, once the NBA playoffs starts I'll be all about them for a few weeks.

The NBA is a better product. That cannot be denied. But I think the fact that there is no real comparison for this kind of an underdog story is what makes the NCAA's so compelling.


Might want to remove the The from the name now, seems a bit unwarranted.

What site are you doing it on and what format?

I once was blind

I wouldn't call it a fear but I really, really hate sticky stuff, especially on my hands. I don't eat pancakes or waffles anymore because I know—or at least I think I will—get a spot of syrup on my hands. I'll eat sticky buns or donuts with a plate and fork or I won't eat them at all. I obsessively wash my hands and

"Player Safety!" #1

Oh look, it's Fucky the Drunk Clown.

Ha! No, I wasn't on that night, was having "steak and poker" night with my dad and his buddies. That game was pretty glorious, though.

One of you younger guys needs to help me out here? Does this shit—and by shit I mean being a lame, white rapper—actually work on young chicks nowadays? I mean, isn't that the whole point of being in a band when you're younger, to get chicks? Guys in bands always do well with the ladies, even if they kinda suck. The

Only used 8 of the coupons? There's no way this guy is a Houston resident.

Guinness and Bass.

Thought that Twinkies were never supposed to go bad.

Now playing

I have to do one more. "Fuck you, that's why!"

Now playing

I like most if not all of the 90's Fat Wreck Chords stuff. Their compilation CD's are some of my favorite albums.

Homemade Black and Tans and they're fuckin' delicious. You?

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This is the song I have played for the last 10 years or so when anyone complained about the music I was playing in my house or car... and I love it.