
I'm in my mid-30's and I still do not like passing on a two-lane highway after a very similar incident when I was 18. I was driving my girlfriend's car down US-2 in Michigan's Upper Peninsula after spending a weekend in the Mackinac Island area. That highway runs right along Lake Michigan for a long stretch and at

For one hundred and fifty fucking dollars a month they better have the tournament in HD. Is there any bigger fucking ripoff than cable TV?

Time Warner Cable did not have it in HD on Sunday but they do now. They must have added it today or something. I'm actually excited for this game now.

During a radio news broadcast today I heard that a number of nuclear plant workers received a lethal dose of radiation from the explosions. I know that there have been many, many lives lost but that just seems so horrendous. They're alive for now but there is just nothing that can be done for them. Just waiting to

I mainly drink cheap American light beer so the best I could help with would probably be the play-in games for the last seeds. But Guinness has to be a four seed, that's Nectar of the Gods.

I had a '95 Mercury Cougar which caught on fire on a highway while I was doing 75. I started to smell smoke but just figured it was something outside but I became alarmed when the interior of the car filled. I pulled off on the nearest exit and stopped a few blocks off the highway in a residential area. I popped the

I love it. My car history before my 30's is so, so fuckin' sad. I blew up my step-dad's early-80's Econoline trying to charge the battery on my Grand Prix in the dead of winter. The battery was shot but I mistakenly thought that redlining the engine on the van would send just the right amount of electricity through

Man, those late-70's to mid-80's GM A-body cars were the shit back then. They were like driving a tank and you could fit like 8 high school kids in one of them, right? The shit I did when I had that car... They would be terrible to drive now but gas was like a buck a gallon.

I also want to add my second vehicle. It was a mid-80's red Yugo. Notice the non-functioning hood scoop. I removed the backseat (it wasn't even bolted down!) and replaced it with a homemade subwoofer box because that's how I rolled. And if you're wondering, yes, I got laid in it, and yes, it was uncomfortable, and

Vodkanaut's thread got me thinking. What was your first car, how'd you get it and how lousy was it? Post a pic of the model if you can find one.

1. Miller Fucking High Life Light.

Screw a tournament anyway, they should just play 60-70 single game match-ups and let the sponsors decide what teams get to play in each game.

Did everyone else see that the March Madness on Demand website will broadcast live video of every single game this year for free? Plus it has a feature where you can type in your zip code and provider and it will tell you what game is broadcast on each channel in your area. That is actually pretty f**king cool. FREE!

Had someone knock on my door today with a recall petition.

I know I spent a good amount of energy bitching about not having it in HD over on twitter. Especially since it is owned my Time Warner and I have Time Warner Cable.

I was listening to the Big O and Dukes podcast from DC which I had never heard. Started listening to them after getting back into the Mike O'Meara Show, also out of DC. Used to listen to Don and Mike for years before they stopped carrying them in my area. My point? None. But both those shows are great for a laugh.

Okay, one more question. Is anyone else getting "post save fail" when trying to comment? It happened a bunch of times to me on Friday and I never was able to respond to someone. It just happened on Kotaku on a new thread but yet when I looked the comment still went through. The other times the comments did not show

The only reason I've kept this avatar so long is that it's so easy to spot, here and on twitter. Well, that and Frank's RedHot is fuckin' awesome.

I had to look up who that person is. It was a fun 10 minutes.

I got bored today but couldn't find anything to do so I drove around in the country by myself and listened to a few podcasts. Actually it was awesome ... and depressing, but still awesome.