@Sheed's Bald Spot: The secret ingredient is ... EEL FARTS!
@Sheed's Bald Spot: The secret ingredient is ... EEL FARTS!
@vodkanaut: Since I'm usually watching TV late at night it's Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network or ESPN.
@Sheed's Bald Spot: I have a friend who was thrown out of a Green Day show after he was able to hit Billy Joe Armstrong with both of his shoes.
@Phintastic: Facebook is for having terrible conversations with people you don't like but unfortunately know. Twitter is for having interesting conversations with people you do like but don't know.
@Tulos_Mullet: Check this out: [twitter.com]
@IronMikeGallego: Even OutKast was temporarily cool back then.
@tastes_like_burning: I sorta connected with this song back in the day.
@UweBollocks: Really, where do you write reviews? F.B.I. was a real disappointment after What's on my Mind...actually it sucked, have it too.
@IronMikeGallego: More old memories for me: old Chicago rap.
@tastes_like_burning: Also this. An amazing album. This isn't even close to the best song, just the first
@UweBollocks: High school memories.
@UweBollocks: I always post this song don't I? Well, it's a good fuckin' song. It's a better album. The entire thing is a masterpiece.
Since everyone is posting music threads, why not a gangsta rap thread? This may prove my theory that all forms of rap peaked by 1996.
CTRL-V FAIL!!!! Ignore this. Although it is a really good song.
@Julian Vargas: Frank Black...
@Julian Vargas: Or I'm just old and cranky now. Either way, love me some Coheed.
@Maloik: Would, fuckin' nice.