
I'd have to disagree that it's not offensive...it shows solidarity all right—to Latino gang culture. And if you are a young Latina woman, there is a good chance that this is how you white neighbors perceive you, no matter how you dress. Not making sweeping generalizations—this obviously isn't everyone's experience.

I'm a daily reader but only an occasional poster, so I've accepted perma-grey as my future...and do you really want to whore yourself out that way? Because women that give BJs are dirty, dirty whores. OBVIOUSLY. o.O

Tasty Drakkar Noir...

Heh, all I could think of while suffering through his comments was " THIS assclown is out of the greys and I'm not?!"

Me too—several days late & a dollar short...next year!

I'm in no way trying to fat-shame this pup, but as someone who has a pet with severe diabetes, this video makes me pretty sad. Ivan & his humans are going to be in for a world of hurt if his weight isn't controlled—the strain on his back & joints is clearly troublesome enough for the little guy.

I lurrrrved Murder House, but the over-the-top insanity of Asylum pushed all of my buttons in the very best of ways. Zachary Quinto serial killers & Nazi mad scientists & whackadoo nuns...and some of the strongest female characters on television? Yes please. Fuck yes.

My cousin's wedding this summer has solidified my strict "Not Wedding" stance: the wedding is not only the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, the bridal shower was the Saturday of memorial Day weekend—a nice fuck you to all the guests who had hoped to actually do something fun during the summer holidays...Plus Ones? Not

To celebrate, I'll be buying The Cuckoo’s Calling tonight!

Renner gif FTW!! You're killing me with that!

This is me—except for the worry about being viewed as odd. I am my favorite person, and am happiest in my own head...what's wrong with that?!

Not only is the death penalty more costly to the tax payers in the long run, this plea also saves the county—which is not in the best of financial situations—a shit ton of money by avoiding a trial. (And does Cleveland really need any more bad press right? Amirite?!)

For Schnapsie, bathtime means some serious bubbles, yo

This is where I would have to respectfully disagree with you...Even a poor work experience is a valuable one. No where in the article does the author state teenagers that don't work are lazy—she merely points out that when teenagers have jobs, it is almost ALWAYS a good thing. The quicker you figure out how to

Heh, the worst part was that I had a job interview that week—my first in 8 years! I decided the best course of action was to hide my moldy-looking arms...Shockingly, the interview panel decided not to hire the girl with the Lady Gaga-style opera gloves and zombie cleavage. Go figure.

"unethical or sub-par professionals exist in every profession, medicine is no different."