61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

I was fine with the concept of pregnancy and motherhood, but now that it's in the forseeable future and not just some distant someday, I'm starting to get all panicky.

Those are tears of hysteria, my friend.

As a sexual assault survivor, fuck you.

I'm pro-gun, pro-choice. I dislike the death penalty because it makes no sense (and is expensive). It's reacting after the fact, kinda like how people tell women, "If you'da kept your legs closed, you wouldn't be pregnant." Charming, but ineffectual. Give me the means to deal with the situation now.

Legally, you can shoot a home intruder dead, if you so choose. Legally, I have the right to kill a uterus intruder too, if I so choose.


Choose Life, we'll just torture you to death with hideous design. Augh! Please take note of how it's done.

Ohh I got the You're a Faker eye when I first went to try on dresses the first time. My ring had no big flashy diamond and I looked like I was pushing 16, so obviously I wasn't for reelz engaged. As if stuffing my lardy body into a size 8 sample was such an enticing activty... You can be assured I did not get my dress

(Assuming this is truely a Big Deal...) You know what? I'm still upset at the salesladies at the Mall of America Jessica McClintock at the Bloomington David's Bridal for giving us horrible service. My friend and I look very young, which makes it hard enough to be taken seriously as it is, and we'll freely admit that

I got into a bad funk of compulsive buying when I was in college. Look at my savings account! Buy stuff! Well, I had been depending on that quick fix of Yay! Buying Stuff! to distract me from the fact that I was actually rather depressed. (I didn't transition well to college life.) I ended up burning through my

I saw white bowls filled with pine cones and shiny red ball ornaments. It was stunning in its simplicity.

I just declared to my coworkers that I am generously saving their sanity by postponing my decorating spree til December 1st. Because I'm too lazy to do it today, and I forgot to do so yesterday.

When parents use this excuse to not vaccinate, they are literally saying that they'd rather let their kids die than let them get autism. It's a selfish, incredibly ableist argument, and given that it puts the immunocompromised, the truly allergic, and infants too young to be innoculated at risk, I agree with

When my gram was little, she and her family lived in a hospital because her mom was the nurse anesthetist. My gram used to sneak past the nuns to visit the people in the iron lungs. I'm glad your father came out alright! Was he able to walk after? My husband's gram had polio when she was pregnant, and though the

Just to let you know, the Mad Men revival was not supposed to bring back polio.

Hermitism FTW!

Mr.61Below and I own and operate a small business, and the Patent Office reform will be a godsend. We're waiting to hear back on our first patent application, but we won't find out anything for another year at least. The anticipation is killer!

If people are told often enough that something is true, then they start to believe it. Isn't that a scary thought?

*Sigh.* This is not the only business owner I've heard spout this threat. I don't know what's worse, that they really do believe that Obama's administration has added a prohibitive amount of red tape, or that they really aren't hiring because of it. Of course, I'm of the belief that many businesses are doing just