61Below is now a card-carrying member of the the Baby-Killing Castration Coven

Ok, my inner feminazi just caved...my niece is absolutely getting this Barbie for Christmas. The first and only. I mean it!

I don't know what bothers me more...that this is not real Tetris, or that the pattern is probably the worst case scenario for when the blocks start speeding up. Come on! You know you strategize to lay the lines to leave space for the vertical 1x4s. No matter how high! That 1x4 will come!

Nah, she was just auditioning for Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Agreed! The company is privately owned, but do they receive public funding? Are they subsidized by the city? It sounds like the bus is 'marketed' like public transportation. To me, then, the best solution would be for the private line to market this bus to the Hasidim community, rather than having a privately run

*Edited to what Penny said!*

Honey, Mean Girls was meant to be a cautionary example, not a playbook.

As a part-Sami living on the edge of the wilderness, I can't even tell you how badly I want to just go sometimes. In the meantime, Mr.61Below and I console ourselves by fine-tuning our zombie apocalypse preparedness plan.

All I can think of now is a memory of my unceasingly peppy, absolute First Soprano college choir director, hands on her hips, fake huffing, "What do you mean Wikipedia isn't a reliable source??" Oh Dr. Sweet, I miss you.

Confirmed spinster, please. Not only are my breakfast babies organic, they're locally sourced, sustainably harvested, and always, always cooked with lentils.

Wedge Issue: (n) 1. a political issue that divides a candidate's supporters or the members of a party. 2. A political ploy used to distract voters from the fact that our elected officials have absolutely no idea what to do about the economy.

One of the most basic (and laziest) ways to promote in-group solidarity is to identify an 'other' as attacking their way of life. What's more precious than a baby? (Not a group of cells with gills entirely incapable of surviving outside a uterus, mind you, but an actual baby.) So they make up this dream villain, an

Add "Husband who puts up with his wife's weird interests."

Both times I got sick Mr.61Below and I had sandwiches, the only differences were that mine had mayo. So, if it was the meat of the lettuce, maybe he has a super stomach or something... but blech.

Given the number of times I've spent the hour after lunch puking after not putting my sandwich in the mini-fridge in the morning, I'd say put it in the fridge after you open it...

The poor already pay a higher percent of their taxes...currently, right now, and that's what makes me all stabby. You could say that the actual problem with our current progressive system is that it's too complicated to enforce. There's talk of passing a transaction tax (I don't know details, but Mr.61Below keeps

As satisfying as the thought of a progressive tax is, the people with that much money have enough power to weasel out of it. So, *throws hands up* fuck it, let's establish a flat tax, throw out all the loopholes, the exemptions, the subsidies, everything, and give these bleating sheep what they want. They'll probably

This is why I wish orienteering was taught in elementary schools.

She stole my hair, dammit.

They're best prepared corned, actually. Paired with Guiness, of course.

Don't worry, Aubrey de Grey is on it.