
“Who would have a fear of Santa Claus? Oh... the Jewish.”

spiritualized is one of those bands who are consistently underrated and forgotten. fantastic catalog, live show and sound. ive had the honor of seeing him twice and both gave me chills.

Colleeen was insufferable in season 1, and brought little to the table in Defenders. Misty is pretty good all around. All of season 1 was terrible, but Danny was actually decent in Defenders- I still say he got the hit of the series when he shattered Elektra’s blade without touching it and blasted her through a wall.

Incidentally, there’s a nice little call-out to the Cinnabon flash-forwards in this episode. In the season 3 premiere, Gene talks himself into potential trouble by telling the shoplifter to call a lawyer after he notices that the kid was arrested without being Mirandized. How does Kim snag such a good deal for her

Jason Pierce is releasing his last album as Spiritualized and the AVC Ghost of O’Neal writes its entry. Sad times. I’m gonna need that new Low album.

I don’t think they’re blind. I think they’ve evolved highly specialized vision. For example, apparently a Fox News viewer can differentiate all these faces:

...but Uncle Owen, I was gonna go down to Space Gap to buy a new pair of cargo shorts!”

This was a charity show that raised $11 million for Seattle’s homeless crisis. But yeah, Pearl Jam really should have played the show inside of somebody’s chemical toilet to maintain that sense of authenticity.

But Garak was just a simple tailor. 

‘Classic Simpsons is my favorite tv show of any time period. It is arguably the high-water mark for all human culture. I haven’t watched it weekly for almost 20 years.’

Uh, Swiss Army Man is great and the final scene is probably the best fart joke in movie history.

Whoa! Huge slam on Swiss Army Man out of nowhere!

This is really cool stuff. I love reading about space.

“As it currently stands, June doesn’t appear to have anything particularly important or useful to contribute to the overall resistance movement”

I’m sorry, but as a Main Character™ she has the class skill Main Character Clout, which gives her +1 to all rolls, and once a day, she can reroll any roll of her choosing

“We’ve seen this community change,” is racist coded language for black people started moving in.

Billy Porter is fucking captivating. If he doesn’t get at least an Emmy nomination for this I will riot in the streets.

I was NOT READY for this episode. Jesus. This show is not fucking around.

Emergency & I is a stunner. Enjoy! 

Now playing

Oh, you ain’t never lied about that! While they running around calling the police on any black people in a five mile radius of them, those same white people getting raped , robbed, assaulted, and murdered , by the white people in their lives that they refused to be scared of, and give the benefit of the doubt to.

Ok Damon, lifehack for you. If youre eating waffles regularly, just move half of them from the freezer to the fridge on Sunday night. They should be good there for 5 days or so. Then whenever you run out, just move the other half into the fridge. They’ll crisp up faster and wont have that frozen-to-heated mush in