Glad you liked it!
Glad you liked it!
I always wondered whether Tommen in the Game Of Thrones series was inspired by Thomas in Eyes.
Nah, I'm good on nipples. Feel free to strike down your oppressors, though. Those guys suck.
I've gotten a pretty good idea over the last 48 hours. It's incredibly touching and affirming.
You guys are fantastic. Thank you all so much.
I honestly can't imagine a better legacy than having directed someone to something that is fantastic, that they didn't know about, and that they came to love. I think that's all any reasonable pop-culture critic could possibly hope for. Thank you for reminding me why we do this.
Also, spoiler: The video announcement/explanation for this year's Parameter is fantastic. I'm really looking forward to that making it out into the world.
Utterly fantastic. Can't stop giggling.
By a remarkable coincidence, @avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus , that is the very bridge I was talking about. You'll love it. So, in an entirely unrelated and not at all relevant change of topic… how much money do you have in that checking account, anyway? Just wondering. For science.
You do, @avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus ? Hm. Incidentally, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. Right after we go on a nice snipe hunt together.
Not exactly post-apocalyptic, but yes, we didn't want it included in both inventories.
Actually, we've had this one on the planning board for a long time, probably since we saw The Road. And it was finally scheduled this week as a companion for Monday's produce misplacement entry. I threw the Oblivion entry in at the last minute because it struck me how much Tom Cruise repeatedly handling that stuffed…
Simon did choose Elizabeth — that isn't a coincidence. But Frank suggested hypnotism, which seems like a fairly large coincidence to begin with, and then cedes choice to Simon, which seems even less likely. You have to accept that a thug's first go-to after torture is a professional hypnotist, which is unlikely in the…
You know, that reminds me that I really want to see Frank & Me for some demented reason. Netflix'd.
You actually don't have to buy it, due to developments in the film. This film actually has a number of seeming plot holes that close pretty neatly once the full plot unfolds.
I would imagine it's mostly because she knows they don't remember her, they've clearly been programmed with other memories, and she's in serious danger; she doesn't know how they'll react, and she's very vulnerable. Waiting until she and Jack are alone, and he's clearly receptive and experiencing some memory leakage,…
Genevieve suggested exactly that, and said "It's Spoiler Spaces all the way down!"
Agreed that Riseborough did a really terrific job of selling her contentment and the instability of her situation at the same time. But possibly my favorite sequence in the film is her acting in the flashback scene, where it's patently clear that she has a crush on Cruise and is mostly trying to hold it back, but…
Agreed. It's just that Unnamed Film did it so much better and more personally on a much smaller budget, and so recently that it's hard to shake that one while watching this one.
The villain literally tortures puppies in front of the protagonist to show how evil he is, then feeds them to her.