
Very nice.

Thanks! But I actually wrote this; Aaron's byline was on it erroneously.

You've already forgotten that this is a film list. It's right there in the title. Are you extremely high right now?

Heh. Good call.

Not a hero, mostly just a witness to odd events. We didn't just want protagonists, we wanted people who step up in dire circumstances and save the day. If anything, the Dude is a pretty stereotypical stoner, whereas we were looking for people who exceed the expectations for the stereotype.

We talked about it, but what do they ever do that's actually heroic?

I recommend looking up "noodling" on Wikipedia. It's a weirdly informative, enthusiastic entry that taught me a lot about things I'm not sure I believe in, in in spite of all the pictures of people wearing fish as sleeves.

He came up, but was dismissed as not a hero. About the closest he comes is wrecking a car and pissing off a football player, causing Ridgemont High to win a big game.

You just might see one of those on deck tomorrow.

Lone Star would likely make the top 20 list of my favorite films of all time. YMMV, because one of the things I most love about it is the way it doesn't fall together properly until the end.

And I still don't understand WHY he didn't like it!

I started Wool this morning, and I'm entirely on board so far. Reminds me a lot of The Passage without all the damn vampires.

Thank you, that's fantastic. I did get fairly tired of sitting through the same hundred frames at a crawl over and over, waiting to see what I'd missed at the end. This was immensely helpful.

Oh yes, absolutely. Like, he claims it's crazy that JFK just gets shot out of nowhere in JFK, for no reason. And that E.T. is just arbitrarily brown. It's not so much sarcastic as arch and ironic in a deadpan way. But I do think the message is still supposed to be "You will not make it through this movie if you're

Not really. They usually get done the night before, and involve a lot of clumpy glue. That is not what I want from my life.

Oh, no, I meant I was going to the Amazon River to see if I can find Herzog and bum a copy of the book off him. I assume he's standing somewhere along it, hip-deep in piranhas, opining mournfully about their simplicity and elegance as they skeletonize his legs.

Ugh. Thank you. Looks like someone was a little heavy-handed with the auto-spellcheck.

Also, we're taking your whiskey. There's an giant poster ad up at the train station by the office showing two weeping Irishmen in a bar, staring tearfully into the camera lens, and the caption is "Ireland's loss is our gain." And it's for some specific brand of whiskey that we're apparently stealing from Irishmen at

You're welcome!

That was my favorite revelation on this list. I liked a lot of the songs I hadn't heard before, but that's the one I've been listening to over and over.