
@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus You just posted at the end of an ENTIRE THREAD answering that question over and over.



This is still one of my all-time favorite AVQAs, because there are so many completely bizarro things on it that terrified people as kids.

This is still one of my all-time favorite AVQAs, because there are so many completely bizarro things on it that terrified people as kids.

Holy shit. Thank you for that.

Holy shit. Thank you for that.

@Zeig:disqus I'm glad we didn't get the "eagle lord refuses" scene because it would have been redundant with Galadriel's refusal, and would have made her choice less interesting. But this is the first time I've ever heard anyone bring up the idea of an eagle taking the ring and getting corrupted — as opposed to "the

@Zeig:disqus I'm glad we didn't get the "eagle lord refuses" scene because it would have been redundant with Galadriel's refusal, and would have made her choice less interesting. But this is the first time I've ever heard anyone bring up the idea of an eagle taking the ring and getting corrupted — as opposed to "the

This confuses me hugely as well, which is why my take on it here is first-person and in a note at the bottom rather than being an integrated part of the review; I can only assume it looks different to different people and is a matter of taste and acclimation. But so far I haven't heard from a single friend or critic I

This confuses me hugely as well, which is why my take on it here is first-person and in a note at the bottom rather than being an integrated part of the review; I can only assume it looks different to different people and is a matter of taste and acclimation. But so far I haven't heard from a single friend or critic I

I did write it up for Overrated Film Of The Year, but not because I knew how it was going to end.

I did write it up for Overrated Film Of The Year, but not because I knew how it was going to end.

I personally found Freeman distracting. He basically has a series of tics that he uses throughout Hitchhikers and Sherlock (I love him in the latter) and here, he uses them all again, particularly the "Open mouth, can't think of anything to say, close mouth, look frustrated" thing he seems to do all the time in Sherloc

I personally found Freeman distracting. He basically has a series of tics that he uses throughout Hitchhikers and Sherlock (I love him in the latter) and here, he uses them all again, particularly the "Open mouth, can't think of anything to say, close mouth, look frustrated" thing he seems to do all the time in Sherloc

@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus There is, again in all seriousness, a big echoey "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" moment. I cannot believe serious directors are still doing that.

@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus There is, again in all seriousness, a big echoey "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" moment. I cannot believe serious directors are still doing that.

But it IS about alcoholism, and the "drinking booze" aspect IS meant by the title, and the review expressly says that. So stop being depressed.

But it IS about alcoholism, and the "drinking booze" aspect IS meant by the title, and the review expressly says that. So stop being depressed.

Didn't read the review, did you? Or at least didn't make it to the end.