Yeah, though if you read that original novel, about all it has in common with the animated film is a giant man made of iron. The film completely left out the giant "Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon" threatening to destroy Earth. I'm not kidding.
Yeah, though if you read that original novel, about all it has in common with the animated film is a giant man made of iron. The film completely left out the giant "Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon" threatening to destroy Earth. I'm not kidding.
@avclub-37fbc3a475dad8f4729a4825ab147fde:disqus Ooh, you're both going to be cross tomorrow, when JFK and Natural Born Killers come up in a different context.
@avclub-37fbc3a475dad8f4729a4825ab147fde:disqus Ooh, you're both going to be cross tomorrow, when JFK and Natural Born Killers come up in a different context.
Eh, I already covered all the good ones.
Eh, I already covered all the good ones.
Oh, you aren't going to be happy with our 90s film list content for Thursday and Friday, then.
Oh, you aren't going to be happy with our 90s film list content for Thursday and Friday, then.
Memento came out in 2000 and was #5 on our best films of the 00s list.
Memento came out in 2000 and was #5 on our best films of the 00s list.
I don't know anyone who DIDN'T feel like an outsider in high school.
I don't know anyone who DIDN'T feel like an outsider in high school.
Did you see this news about a new half-hour Toy Story TV special?
Did you see this news about a new half-hour Toy Story TV special?
I know, right? Tomorrow…
I know, right? Tomorrow…
I restrained myself. Frankly, my outliers list could have been 10 or 15 movies long, and choosing four was hard, and I didn't want them to all be animation.
I restrained myself. Frankly, my outliers list could have been 10 or 15 movies long, and choosing four was hard, and I didn't want them to all be animation.
That's just it; I was never a swaggering, bullying, beer-drinking, bored-as-hell teenage boy. I couldn't relate to anyone in the film. And while I often love films from perspectives I don't share, or about experiences I will never have or lives I will never lead, Dazed wasn't particularly revealing or insightful about…
That's just it; I was never a swaggering, bullying, beer-drinking, bored-as-hell teenage boy. I couldn't relate to anyone in the film. And while I often love films from perspectives I don't share, or about experiences I will never have or lives I will never lead, Dazed wasn't particularly revealing or insightful about…
You know, I went and revisited that review, all ready to quote from it and disprove you, but the tone is kind of negative overall, isn't it? Those were back in the bad old days of strict word limits, and I think I erred on the side of complaining about the packaging and the little gripes I have with the film, like…