
You know, I went and revisited that review, all ready to quote from it and disprove you, but the tone is kind of negative overall, isn't it? Those were back in the bad old days of strict word limits, and I think I erred on the side of complaining about the packaging and the little gripes I have with the film, like

Me personally? It was on my initial ballot, but those ballots weren't ranked. Apparently it didn't get the three votes necessary to make it to the top 50. I'm certainly surprised it didn't make the list.

Me personally? It was on my initial ballot, but those ballots weren't ranked. Apparently it didn't get the three votes necessary to make it to the top 50. I'm certainly surprised it didn't make the list.

@avclub-d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820:disqus I put Simple Men on my ballot, Scott, so I reciprocally blame you for not having it on yours. Frankly, I didn't feel I remembered Trust well enough to make the call. I'm definitely due for a Hartley-fest.

@avclub-d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820:disqus I put Simple Men on my ballot, Scott, so I reciprocally blame you for not having it on yours. Frankly, I didn't feel I remembered Trust well enough to make the call. I'm definitely due for a Hartley-fest.

I'm surprised at that myself. Maybe that was another case where people's Hartley votes were split on the initial ballots? That said, I haven't seen Simple Men or Trust since the ’90s, and one of these days I should revisit them and see whether they hold up.

I'm surprised at that myself. Maybe that was another case where people's Hartley votes were split on the initial ballots? That said, I haven't seen Simple Men or Trust since the ’90s, and one of these days I should revisit them and see whether they hold up.

Actually, in a twist revealed mid-film, those motherfuckers actually fucked all us. Then in another, even more surprising twist at the END of the film, it turns out we ARE those motherfuckers and no one fucked anyone at all.

Actually, in a twist revealed mid-film, those motherfuckers actually fucked all us. Then in another, even more surprising twist at the END of the film, it turns out we ARE those motherfuckers and no one fucked anyone at all.

I'm actually really shocked that Before Sunrise didn't crack the top 50, given how much Scott loves and routinely praises it.

I'm actually really shocked that Before Sunrise didn't crack the top 50, given how much Scott loves and routinely praises it.

I'm with you.

I'm with you.

Oh, that's not true. The bitching began pre-emptively on Monday, just in case.

Oh, that's not true. The bitching began pre-emptively on Monday, just in case.

We consider it resolved, and not open for public forum debate.

We consider it resolved, and not open for public forum debate.

Oh, I don't think it suggests that. It's more that in the extreme short term (which the book largely deals with), the lack of transportation causes systems to shut down, and there's a cascade effect, especially when you factor in California's tendency toward earthquakes and wildfires, and then assume no ability for

Oh, I don't think it suggests that. It's more that in the extreme short term (which the book largely deals with), the lack of transportation causes systems to shut down, and there's a cascade effect, especially when you factor in California's tendency toward earthquakes and wildfires, and then assume no ability for

There have been no recent complaints from interview subjects. Frankly, the vast majority of our interview subjects don't come here and read the comments about them; they're too busy making films or comedy albums or TV or whatever. This is just something we've been discussing for a while, and we periodically remind