I would maim to do a Random Roles with Frank Welker. But as people are noting, he doesn't do many interviews at all.
I would maim to do a Random Roles with Frank Welker. But as people are noting, he doesn't do many interviews at all.
I would maim to do a Random Roles with Frank Welker. But as people are noting, he doesn't do many interviews at all.
I disagree; I think the "Will And Abe" strips were some of the best since the strip's heyday. "I'm going to tell God to stab you!" I was so happy when he finally put out an all Will And Abe collection.
I disagree; I think the "Will And Abe" strips were some of the best since the strip's heyday. "I'm going to tell God to stab you!" I was so happy when he finally put out an all Will And Abe collection.
The film got a wee bit of an eyebrow-raise for me by absolutely not touching on any issue of sexuality or intimacy whatsoever. Far as we know, he's an asexual doll.
The film got a wee bit of an eyebrow-raise for me by absolutely not touching on any issue of sexuality or intimacy whatsoever. Far as we know, he's an asexual doll.
This was easily the most popular thing I saw at Tribeca, if you count "line stretching around the block an hour before showtime and a packed theater of immensely excited teenagers" as popular.
This was easily the most popular thing I saw at Tribeca, if you count "line stretching around the block an hour before showtime and a packed theater of immensely excited teenagers" as popular.
Less Wes Anderson deadpan, more Glee emotion (Gleemotion?), but otherwise, that's a pretty apt comparison.
Less Wes Anderson deadpan, more Glee emotion (Gleemotion?), but otherwise, that's a pretty apt comparison.
It was so weird, trying to figure out how to transcribe that.
It was so weird, trying to figure out how to transcribe that.
That's simplifying. Sometimes there were brutal, vicious beatings happening when I walked through the room, instead.
That's simplifying. Sometimes there were brutal, vicious beatings happening when I walked through the room, instead.
Not really. To the degree there's a conscious process, I think I start from the top down. I go into every movie hoping it's going to be great, whether that means living up to my expectations or surprising me. But given that I never spend the course of a movie thinking about a grade, that's not a very thought-through…
Not really. To the degree there's a conscious process, I think I start from the top down. I go into every movie hoping it's going to be great, whether that means living up to my expectations or surprising me. But given that I never spend the course of a movie thinking about a grade, that's not a very thought-through…
But does he know what to do when you someone eat it?
But does he know what to do when you someone eat it?
I've never read any of his other books. What was off-putting about them? Are there any I should avoid? And if you didn't like his work or Grossman's, you may well not like this either. What are you looking for in a superhero novel?
I've never read any of his other books. What was off-putting about them? Are there any I should avoid? And if you didn't like his work or Grossman's, you may well not like this either. What are you looking for in a superhero novel?