
Grits, like many grains and starches, are actually just a cheese and butter delivery vector. Lots of cracked pepper is also good. Save the sugar for dessert.

Even if the building were completely flooded, what got peoples’ pants in a twist was Osteen was tweeting pablum about God while other faith leaders were trying to figure out how to help. Mosques and churches were participating in relief efforts. For example, on Sunday, when it was clear things were getting bad.

Except you are mischaracterizing what I’m saying, but okay.

Shit like this is the literal reason I stopped going to church and walked away from organized religion - the constant naked grift.

“Don’t blame me for this shit. I made the rains come each year so you ingrates can have water to drink in the desert. Then you greedy fuckers increased greenhouse gases and destroyed the wetlands for golf courses and mansions which caused storms to grow into hurricanes. You rat bastard humans can go to Hell!” - God

Jesus Christ! You don’t sound very Christian at all, lady. What’s the point in believing in a benevolent God, if you can’t hold a civil discussion with your fellow human beings.

Atheists do have beliefs to respect, the problem is you don’t deem them worthy of respect so you pretend there aren’t any. One can have a set of beliefs without bringing a deity into it.

I’m with you that evangelist atheist are the absolute worst. If people were honest then everyone would be agnostic, because while theism and atheism are measures of faith, gnosticism and agnosticism measure what you know. I consider myself an agnostic atheist; I don’t know if God exists or not, but I don’t have much,

That...doesn’t make any sense. You cannot prove a negative. From a scientific perspective, there is no proof of the existence of the Biblical God. There’s no proof of the fantastical elements of the bible, and modern day “miracles” and “prophets” are always proven to be fakes. That doesn’t mean God isn’t real. That

I’d guess that the majority of atheists aren’t proclaiming that god definitely doesn’t exist, but that they don’t believe that god exists. The distinction between these is important. If you posit a belief, you need to back it up. This is the burden of proof, and there is no proof of god.

I grew up in a southern baptist home myself.. my folks are pretty much devout, especially my grandmother, who’s husband was a pastor at a church up until his passing years ago. Much like the writer of this article, I too remember being a little indifferent to it all, until I started to actually listen to what was

Respect is a two-way street and your comment about atheists earlier was far from that which frankly is a large part of the problem I have with people who profess to be Christians.

I would have less problem with Black people and their tendency to cling to religion if they weren’t always all in your face about it.

I just wrote that I have respect for my family’s belief. I don’t believe it. You can believe whatever you want to believe as long as you don’t think your belief should be the law of the land. I have no problems with belief. Just don’t insist that I have to believe it. I don’t.

Your story is similar to mine. Except that in addition to saying that things in the bible didn’t make sense. I was also privy to the hypocrisy of people in the church talking about others behind their back, Pastors having affairs; and instead of helping people in trouble, they were judged as sinners and shut out from

Yeah. I could go so deep discussing this. No doubt, many of us could. I’ll just comment on point one: The two things which kept me from being athiest for so long are my family, with so many of them being church lifers, and the fact that I was reluctant to feel that I was too intelligent to believe. Cause if that were

I grew up in a household where evangelical Christianity ruled w/ an iron fist. It was prayer first thing in the AM, multiple Sunday services (those were and always will be the fuckin worst), T.D. Jakes and Creflo Dollar on the television, all that...I think it was the story of Noah’s ark that first got me, too, but