
I hear you - my fiancee will let the cats lick our plates and bowls clean with no concern ("they're just going to get washed anyway"), which grosses me out - but I don't have a problem letting the cats drink directly from the faucet, which she thinks is horrifying.

I've got a couple and you're definitely not wrong, but for the price they're pretty good. The one other problem worth noting is that they don't incline back very far - if you're eyeline is much above these you can't rotate them back to get the monitor perpendicular to your gaze.

I've got a couple and you're definitely not wrong, but for the price they're pretty good. The one other problem

Good advice. They can also serve as a warning system - I lost about 20 pounds last year, went from a size 36 down to a 33. I kept all the intermediate sizes, and when I would occasionally backslide and would have to put on my 34's it served as a good way of letting me know I was slipping, that I needed to lay off the

Starbucks dissed = daily hipster achievement unlocked! Way to go!

Interested to see how they're going to distinguish this from "Arrow" - dark and gritty, check; hero covered with scars, check; abundant reference to "My City"....

At least that was something that Tolkien actually (sort of) wrote had happened, unlike a lot of the other stuff which Jackson made up out of thin air.

Blew my mind when, after decades of listening to that song, I finally realized that the main guitar riff is pretty much lifted straight from Springsteen's "Jungleland".

One thing that doesn't usually get mentioned is that if you're a Sprint user and you've combined your Sprint phone number with your Google Voice number, you shouldn't use Hangouts for SMS - there's a known bug that causes your phone to blurt out multiple copies of outgoing messages if you do. Google has advised that

Not really pop culture (at least anymore) but I will buy anything unheard by Mark Knopfler. His work since Dire Straits has been phenomenal.

Perhaps presenting it as "Google announced it's killing Voice" was not strictly accurate, but it's been couched that way MANY places. Like Here and here and here and here and here. Even Lifehacker sister site Gizmodo discussed the Hangouts integration as an indicator that Voice is Dying.

Not really sure what that means?

Weird that this comes just a few weeks after they announced that they're killing off Google Voice.

Surprised no one has mentioned the score from Minecraft by C418 - incredibly relaxing and ambient; I often work with this playing.

Loved this one.

I just don't get it. I really really don't want to be one of those, "Oh yeah? Well I HATE it!" guys - and I don't - but I tried several eps of this show, and didn't crack a smile once. And I've had the exact same reaction to Archer - I just don't get what's supposed to be funny. As near as I can tell the humor is

It doesn't have nearly as many spots for specific things, but in terms of minimalist wallets, I've been using the Jimi for years now.

I went to the one that got Nathan Fillion and Ron Glass - epic and awesome. NF is a hilarious individual and very nice to boot.

I find it more amusing that the massuer plays The Cleftjaw on Game of Thrones.

I just want to know how to turn the default mail app off so my emails stop showing up there as well as gmail.