I would like for you to point out where I said we should ban anything.
I would like for you to point out where I said we should ban anything.
an asshole that wont shut up and cant see that they are annoying everyone.
But....but formula is full of BIG PHARMA TOXINS!!!! *snorts another dose of cocaine
I call a coworker who shares my name, “Original Recipe” (because he was there first), and he calls me “Extra Crispy.”
Hear me out on this; is this really worse than women that drink while breastfeeding? You drink, you wait, you pump and dump, you’re golden. She just misjudged her time frame in the extreme which is a shame. But if she’d done this with alcohol would it even be news? Also don’t fucking concern troll me, I’m not…
⬆️⬆️⬆️ THIS 💯‼️
And you just know if any of these guys ever had to take a job with “woman” or “lady” in the title, they would want it changed immediately. (Which, tbf, is perfectly reasonable. No need to gender a job pretty much ever.)
If myself and 5 other people named Caroline had a business for years, and our titles were “Sales Caroline” and “Marketing Caroline” and “Operations Caroline” but our names being Caroline had nothing to do with the business we were doing, and we hired a Katie, I don’t think it’s cry-baby PC trigger Obama culture to say…
For me it’s her overly rewarded mediocrity and victim complex and disingenuousness.
Your comment reminded me of a local D/V case that’d occured here in CT 30 yrs ago. The victim’s case was so sad, and groundbreaking, it forever changed how abuse within a relationship was handled by police, and the courts throughout the country.
It’s not like he did these things to a MAN.
Yes. Yet every time I point this out to some gun-obsessed asshole. They invariably tell me they’d ‘rather go out fighting than be a sheeple like me’.
In Houston it is like they have a white person cloning machine and just keep cranking them out.
I couldn’t help but go through it too - it was only these creepy pics of herself (former teen beauty pageant runner up?), Christian stuff, gun stuff and anti Obama stuff. She even hash tagged a post #merica! All cliches ticked off.
I chuckled at the jade helm because I forgot that was a thing and how stupid that thing was. Why don’t the people that say “Obama is going to take over right meow!” and then never does, ever get called out for how wrong wrong wrong they are?
Based on my time in Texas, her pro-gun stance, and bleached hair, I could have guessed her daughters names were Madison and Taylor without being told.
All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.
I’m not sure there are enough eye rolls in the world for these types of comments. Every time y’all talk about “Clinton is a conservative!” all I hear is “Obama’s a secret Muslim!” because it’s the same level of discourse. Jeez man, I wish every conservative was as liberal as Sec. Clinton.
I wrote to RL Stine too back in the day!!! Oh man I wish I still had the letter he sent to me. I also wrote to Wishbone one time and I got a letter back with his paw print as a signature... that type of shit blew my mind back then.
You know bloggers can’t just use google images for pics right?