
If this movie had gotten bad reviews, I don't know what my gay little heart would've done. Also, I would have weird sex with every single person in this movie.

Sony must be like "why the fuck did we do this movie?".

So like Karen Gillan is Louis, and John Cho is Prior, or?

*Yasiin Bey

It took about thirty minutes before my reaction to this comment went from "?????" to "!!!!!".

"his ugly face and moderate acting ability"

hahaha this comment is such a mess, but i'm really not in the mood for this conversation so, okay!

in my dreams.

Goddamn. What a cast on that Slap show, man.

I stopped reading at the trashing of Mortal Kombat, which is arguably the greatest movie ever made.

I truly adore Beyoncé's music, her work ethic, her self-confidence, and all she's doing to enact social change in terms of women and feminism.

As long as "Dumb and Dumber To" gets the recognition it deserves, I'll be satisfied.


Hmm… not sure about that. I always heard that Bandersnatch Coffeecake was from a far off galaxy. Do they have lizards in space?

Cumberbatch Humperdink? He's not cis. He's a genderless being, composed mostly of gas.

Just so we're all clear, I would totally watch this.

As a gay man, sometimes when I watch LOGO I'm like "fuck these f@gs". The only good thing they ever did was air "Jeffrey and Cole Casserole". And Daria reruns, although I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.

"Butt fuck it"? Sign me up!

I don't know if I'd call LOGO progressive.

I am so here for the year of transgender progress. #LaverneCoxForPresident