
This song plays when I enter rooms during the winter months.

oh, melanie safka. how underrated you are.

As a depressed gay teen with family issues, this song was v near and dear to my heart in high school, and I don't think I ever get as righteously indignant than I do when I'm railing on the bastardization of this song, and it's repackaging as a heartwarming holiday ditty. Even this comment is whiny and obnoxious, and

Awesome! "Finn could get it" really rolls off the tongue more easily than "The black stormtrooper could get it".

"James Franco should be killed."


I don't think I've ever been less interested in watching a show than I am in this.

It's incredible what movie magic can do these days! I mean who wooda thought that you could just put eyeliner on some european guys and BAM! Africans!! That is some "Avatar (2009)" shit! What a time to be alive.

*smashes through window of reviewers home*

I reject this statement. For something to be the "best pop song" in any context, I feel that it needs to be a song that you can loudly sing along with in the car, and since only dogs can hear her in that song, it cannot be done. Boom, roasted.

I cannot believe that Alvvays isn't getting more love from this site. For shame! "Archie, Marry Me" is far and away my favorite jam this year. Runner-up is either "Weighed Sin" by Chad Vangaalen, or "No Way" by Young Fathers.


"Dead" by Young Fathers. The first two songs alone would qualify it for best hip hop album of '14 imo, even if the rest of the album were only okay (it's not, it's great).

in the interest of making this about myself: my list!


I can't believe I'm reading a David Merrick joke in 2014. Miracles ~can~ happen.

Often I'll find myself sitting in class, staring out a window, and the words "Angus T. Steakflower" will pop into my head and cause immediate, unending convulsions of laughter. So thanks for that, O'Neal. Here's to you.

Whatever, guys. Even if I'm alone in this sentiment, I will stand by Jessa till cancellation do us part.

I don't really think it's a shared sentiment, I'm just totally over her. All of her story lines come across as really predictable and forced to me - with the notable exception of the Ray phenomenon, which seems to have been cut short way earlier than I would've liked.

Yes yes yes!!! Especially since every time the show does address Jessa's fucked-upness, it works so well! At least I think it does, anyways. The scene where she breaks down to her father in last season's "Video Games" really rung true with me as someone who has spent a great deal of time around father figure issues,