
I got a weird variation on that, “Pretty eyes, thick thighs, WHAT A SURPRISE.” I don’t even really know what the fuck that means.

There are WAY nicer ways of phrasing things like that

Boooo! I have a crooked front tooth from falling at 8 years old with my mouth wide open, apparently and have received SO MANY COMMENTS LIKE THAT. Here’s a good one that made me feel so much better - it was a jazz fest in my city and some of the jazz musicians were at the restaurant I was working out. As I was closing

Not to mention the fact that the church actually DOES science, like their Vatican astronomers.

I had to have an ultrasound and if they started to go into details, I honestly would’ve just said “I don’t give a shit, just do it.” This shit is ridiculous. GET THE FUCK OUT OF WOMEN’S VAGINAS.

Isn’t it, though? I giggled like crazy the first time I saw it ;)

His eternal weepy face is too hard to capture

Had no expectations going in to watch it today, but I totally agree. I laughed out loud MANY times. It was a great movie.

That rug was amazing! Maybe you can find a replacement online? Damn animals, destroying things but knowing we’ll just deal with it because we love them!

I found the original online because FUCK ever paying for that crap and tapped out after about 78 pages. It’s a sick miracle that she’s made ANY money with that word vomit.

Haa, she’s so angry! I love it :) Here’s my boy (also my profile pic). I really wish payments were an option!

You also had an emergency vet bill?! Aren’t those the best. He cleaned me out. I had to have the “I can’t keep saving your life” talk with my cat.

I did this :( Already have naturally curly hair and think, “Hey, a perm would probably make things easier.” NO NO NO

Health.....insurance? What is this insurance you speak of?? ;)

That makes me feel so much better right now, as I drink pinot grigio at 6pm wondering how I’m going to pay next month’s rent ;)

My inner squee level was super high. He was purring and lightly kneading! Cats. They may not be as demonstrative as dogs, but they come through when it counts :)

No wine, but my older cat, Desmond, deigned to snuggle into my hair. He’s been really angry

I knew it was Lake Tahoe from 1/2 of the first picture. My best friend was born and raised there and I’ve spent SO MUCH time there - lived in Reno for 10 years. I miss that Lake SO MUCH

Haaaa I was just thinking about taking a sleeping pill later since my mind is so wired from everything. I’ll keep that in mind ;)

That piglet is everything! The pizza was a Vodka pie, so it was smothered in vodka sauce. No regrets! I talk to out a lot and I write drafts and notes etc, but I don’t send them. Just DOING IT helps. Plus, my cats have heard it all and don’t seem tired of it because they’re setting aside their annoyance with each