Install the browser button, that way wherever you are, you can pin what you want without even having to go onto Pinterest :)
Install the browser button, that way wherever you are, you can pin what you want without even having to go onto Pinterest :)
I’ve been dealing with unemployment on and off for a really long time and honestly? Make sure you take care of yourself. Exercise helps with anxiety and depression, make sure you’re seeing your friends so that you can get a social boost and find something that takes your mind off of things, if you can. That can be…
Similar 3 job barrel of fun and laughs here as well. When it rains, it pours :(
THANK YOU for that link. Having a large chest is such a pain in the ass with some things and this site is a god send :)
You may not realize you already have a sense of style, or at least one that you really like. I’d start a clothing board for yourself on pinterest and then just search “fashion” and pin anything that you really love, when you look at your board as a whole, I think you’ll start to see a picture emerge about what you…
IMPORTANT POST! I love soft boiled eggs but never make them because they feel like a hassle. This is my Sunday morning plan!
Six days. I am six days into no contact with the ma-friend in my life, to anyone who remembers the disengagement from last week. He hasn’t attempted to contact me (but why would he? His last message told me “Please contact me when you can, when you’re ready” even though HE hurt MY feelings).
I just keep seeing Natalie Portman on the left which tickles me
Day 4 and I’m in rough shape. The REALLY ANNOYING thing is that while I don’t need him, I’m just consumed with the thought that he really has no idea what he did wrong. That on his end it’s all oh come and talk to me when you’re ready and on my end it’s, you needlessly lied and were secretive about aspects of your…
I have to keep repeating it like crazy person. WHATEVER WORKS
I so kind of wanted to text that last sentence to him about being BORN READY, but being quiet is having way more of a delicious impact, i’m sure. Even if I can’t see it ;)
I’m a slutty police box
Thank you internet friend! I wish we could get drunk together ;) Tonight was wine night at my local bar, I bought a bottle for $13 and a burger for $10 and went to town. Met up with a girlfriend who is particularly great at being hateful and dismissive. I needed it tonight. We don’t deserve bullshit. There are men out…
Oh I’m all exercise and wine right now. It’ll probably end up evening me out weight wise and I won’t gain anything...silver lining? No, right now I can’t imagine meeting anyone and being in the right mindframe :(
Because if I don’t reach out, he can claim, “Well then I guess she wasn’t ready to talk to me” and he can justify all his actions. I’d talk right now. I have one more thing to say, but I’m staying silent and it’s killing me. One week. I’ll be quiet ONE WEEK, I can do this! And then i’ll say my piece. Looking at his…
I want to tell you to leave, but man this sucks. I brought things up yesterday. Now I’ve gone silent which is so hard because, like you, he’s one of my closest friends and without him I’m really all alone, but I think that’s okay. I think it’s better than letting things get worse, although I’m sure we’re not done. I’m…
I did it last night. I’ve been crying on and off all day. His last text was that he hopes i’ll reach out, when I’m ready. LIKE IT’S ON ME TO TALK TO HIM.
No, you’re right. He just left after spending 8 hours here and he has three best girl friends. I feel like I’m part of a fucking harem.
Yeah, but there’s nothing like a manual breather...
Oh yeah, he knows exactly where I am in my life. I have no time or inclination for anything casual and that’s his default setting.