
Thanks! Yeah, he actually seems much more petrified of losing me than I am of losing him, which leads me to believe that I’m some kind of touchstone that helps him manage his anxiety disorder. Like, there’s something calming about me because when I seem to pull away or I state that I don’t want to see him it’s like a

Perfectly stated :) Dammit, I wish I knew if there were Jezzies here in Memphis because while the online community is great, I’d love to go out and drink some wine with you ladies!

I’m right there mentally, I’ve had the a-ha moment and the theory that this is something to focus on? Hahahahaha, YES. I was out to breakfast with a friend and he asked me “Are you sure you want to deal with this still?” My response, “I’ve got nothing else going on.” It was a jokey response, but absolutely true. I’ve

I’ll definitely read about it! Yeah, the girls he tends to “fall” for and consider girlfriend material don’t live here. He meets them on trips, so I think he’s really into the fantasy of someone. I sometimes think if I didn’t live here and we’d met briefly somewhere else, he’d be in love with me and effusive. Other

Thanks :) That’s what I’ve been realizing. I’m trying to change my mental space. For the first time in a long time, I’m ready to meet someone. I feel like that’s a good first step.

19 years old and amazing till the end. I cried. I miss him. Just because Panther was lucky enough to live a long time, doesn’t mean I can’t be as sad as if he were only 8 or 10. You feel what you need to feel :)

Oof, the Mindy Kaling/BJ Novak story comments this week were tough to read. I’m in a situation with an someone that’s so reminiscent of everything you all were talking about and it made me so incredibly sad. It’s so easy to think you’re special, that your situation is different and things are complicated. Things ARE

She wasn’t exploited - she’s full of shit, as mentioned in Dirtbag.

Right?? I got flack for giving zero fucks

This is truly just another example of supreme disappointment from DC - why can’t they EVER be cool?

That’s not a reward. That’s a punishment.

Ha! All I thought when I read that was “Tell that to my dad’s pacemaker.”

I’ve caught four. FOUR. Only because I’m 5’10 and usually towering in heels and it’s just so easy to swipe.

I think justbolognese covered it with those links. I have no sympathy for her

I’m no huge fan Jay-Z or Beyonce, but I have a hard time believing she was so taken advantage of, or that she’s so naive when doing business

I know, it’s pretentious either way

No, but she’s been in the business too long to take anyone’s word as bond

You sound exactly like my father with this comment and I love it

Oh fuck off with that nonsense Marina Abramovic! Does she make business deals through promises and not actual negotiation with a paper trail? If so, I can’t feel sorry for her. Also the whole touching foreheads equaling a transaction?? EYE ROLL.

That’s the only way you should like her ;)