
Oh I'm not comparing it to this, it seems like there's more to this story, I just wanted to bring up that there are scenarios where you're not at fault. Yes, I was rear ended, but ended up rear ending someone else. I suppose it's just a comment going against absolute statements. This situation seems to have some BIG

I rear ended a woman because we were waiting for people to go across a cross walk and another woman slammed into me at 45 mph because she wasn't paying attention. While I agree that most rear end collisions are the fault of the driver and it seems like it in this case, that wasn't the case in my own collision and, I'm

See, to my taste buds, durian fruit just tasted like a bunch of bananas had sex with onions. Not a favorite.

I'm laughing because my man friend just spent $130 on OTC meds for...a sinus infection? I said he was insane and didn't know how to pick medicines.

I had to read it three times to make any sense of it.

This would only be insane if you'd said you were thinking about writing a novel pieces of human skin you remove from your victims - go for it! It's a slog, but such a good thing for you to work on, especially if you're inspired.

These Saturday night socials are always fun and interesting to read and apparently inspiring. I just made this:


Fudge! I added an s that shouldn't be there!

This was too important to leave grey.

Yay, I'm so glad! :)

I got business cards for my etsy store in today and I had my second day at Starbucks! It's so odd being back at work in this capacity. I think it'll be good for me, even though the money isn't great, but the benefits are and so far the people seem great. Being social, even when it's forced will only help me in the end.

It's absolutely natural to feel like a pathetic mess even when you KNOW you're an amazing person and by every conceivable metric you know that by him not choosing you it's more about how you two don't fit the way you're supposed to, but it feels so personal. I cried for weeks last year with my ex. He chose someone

It would totally make me feel better about NOT being able to wear lots of words on my chest ;)

God dammit, I hate when I want something, check the sizing and see that, "No Tartis, you know your size H breasts cannot wear the large, you will look too sexualized and destroy the shirt design with your glorious, glorious chest."

The closest my ex got to this was finding me on twitter to say he wanted to talk to me and had SO MUCH TO SAY. Because I'm not crazy, I still had his number in my phone. Other than saying he was sorry and referring to a greater conversation we were supposed to have about the year we spent apart, that's all he's been

Marrying myself is too much of a commitment, so I'll live in sin and maybe just marry my cat since I know he'll die in a few years.

I smiled the whole time annnnnd that's the last thing I'm looking at tonight. Going out on top!

Oh for sure, sarcasm all the way! I couldn't imagine having any pictures with a large group of my friends and having us all look the same in ANY way

I don't have even one picture of me, EVER, wearing a bikini in a group of all white girls. I feel like I'm doing life wrong.