Totally. I don't even understand that. One is a singer and the other an actress - there you go, there are your identifiers!
Totally. I don't even understand that. One is a singer and the other an actress - there you go, there are your identifiers!
I have his column at Vanity Fair bookmarked. I will follow Richard wherever he goes!
That's why I've loved all the cities I've lived in - I CRAVE ANONYMITY. Seriously though, what an insufferable quote.
That makes me go from liking her, to LOVING her.
Are those toe nails FRENCH TIP? Gross.
I'm sure if she took her paper bag cover off the title is just "Science-ish?"
Totally. The stories were always gross, but after actually teaching? Definitely gag worthy.
Absolutely. I have such fondness for my old students, but the extent of my thinking is "Wow, these kids are going to be kick ass adults!" and that's about it. Also, having dealt with a few students who had crushes on me, I could NEVER IMAGINE THIS. Also, really glad about that, just like you *shudder*
True. She's probably ashamed in the sense of "oh shit, now everyone will know what I've done!"
I think the one on the right is finally feeling shame and disgust for her actions. All joking aside, I taught high school for two years and I CANNOT fathom how anyone can look at these CHILDREN and leave all sense at the door. I don't care how adult they may look, they are kids and these women are monsters.
There are so many things to be angry about on this one page alone. I know she goes to a Christian school, but COME ON!
Right?! And such a bummer for kids to realize that before sin, we were all immortal. Sigh.
I think it's to always remind you that when you were in the womb you were a person?!
I use self checkout and put them in as almonds. GO AHEAD AND JUDGE.
Hello all! So, instead of the usual COME VISIT MY STORE FOR IT IS THE SOURCE OF ALL MY MONIES ( I have to share this picture I took during a tutoring session this week. I was SO ANGRY at what was written in the second column that, initially, I didn't even notice the horrifying life…
I know that, I was a teacher, but honestly, who cares? Let this lady live her life without thinking about some future where some nosey kid happens to look her up. It's the teachers and coaches who get the more crazy Google treatment for sure. Plus, her kids know. I say who gives a shit what anyone else thinks, but I…
Because kids are really into searching out their friend's parents online???
The idiot who ended up getting me pregnant. Two hours of needless acrobatics and he was the only one who came. WASTE OF TIME IN MANY WAYS.
Oh fuck off, ALL of these men. I wish they'd care more about actual fucking children then a cluster of cells that ARE NOT A HUMAN BEING. I had an abortion. I regret NOTHING and the father could've given two shits when I told him, so guess what? I could give a fuck what a man has to say on this subject today. I hate…
When I lived in Northern Nevada I didn't bathe everyday. I live in Memphis, TN and in the summer? You better believe I shower EVERY DAY. In the winters? Not as much, but humidity does make a huge difference