
Bite me? Nobody cares that you liked la la land.

This entire conversation between you two really tickled me. I’m having an absolutely appalling day, and this cheered me up slightly - thank you :)

Counterpoint: plain vanilla is delicious.

It’s important to note the huge difference between Melania’s planned renovations of the WH vs other first ladies. This is entirely for Melania, no one else, and adds nothing to the charm or character of the house. This is gross and I’m disappointed it’s being reported with a shrug.

They bite back and fight back! Never mess with a pissed off pussy.

My dating experiences and general experience with men have led me to believe that straight men are good only for getting laid.

Paper Birch...the softest of trees. Call me back when she’s taking on Hickory.

Going out on a limb to say that ^

California is #1 top producer of agriculture in the country. We don’t just produce beautiful people and movies.

It’s her whole shtick, getting professionally offended is this person’s métier.

I like the dancing, but the narration reminds me a bit too much of the times I’ve spend with smug art students who like to get high and explain how gifted and special they are. I definitely have entered the eyerolling, “okay, kids” part of adulthood, “get off my lawn” is clearly not far off.

I’d rather just watch athletes do their thing than watch this. Twigs and I must be vibrating at different frequencies.

So I’m like a million fucking years old and I understand that this has become my get off my lawn moment but I really do miss a time when selling out was a bad thing.

There’s evidence that actually writing something by hand better encodes it into longer term memory. Also, ballpoints suck. I love my fountain pen, and you WILL pry it out of my cold dead calloused hand.*

I made this the other night because fuck this guy

alternate headline:

there is an exactly 0% of you seceding lol

It’s not even 10 in the morning. You either need to eat breakfast or something, or just STFU with all your nastiness and negativity this morning.

And yet, the Ramsey case did nothing to stop, or even slow down the kiddie pageant business. The most intriguing thing about this case was, “how can any parent do this to their toddlers or kindergartners?”

Ugh, the sound of awkward silence.