
I’ll take you up on your offer to vent. My mother recently came to visit me (after much pleading and begging, because we didn’t want her to spend another Christmas alone and we couldn’t afford to fly) and hoo boy, am I glad she’s gone. We’ve always had a fraught relationship, she was responsible for much of my

You live a sad life, when your first thoughts upon hearing about a newly engaged couple is inevitably about domestic abuse and him being ‘unworthy’, as if this was an 18th century affair between a royal and a commoner. Yikes!

There are a TON of brown people in the South. The dining options in the South and Texas are incredible. There are also very blue areas in places people on the east and west coasts (there are three coasts, people) like to shit on - Houston, New Orleans, Louisville, Nashville, etc. Be the fucking change.

I’m in the military, and I’ve lived in a lot of different places. I’ve never seen such a huge lack of affordable housing like I’ve seen in California. Hell, before I joined the military, I lived in a 2-bedroom apartment in Chicago, water and heating included, for $800 a month. I couldn’t find a studio for that in

Maybe it was cold in the room where she wrote this.

No, Angelina. You married him and had kids with him. You have to forever accept that he is your kids’ father, that they love him. The kids should ALL see him. Giving two of them a choice to cave to parental alienation is garbage. Shame on any judge who allowed that. Parents who get divorced and force the kids to

There’s something that’s just so sad about Kylie Jenner.

Short of actual abuse, children shouldn’t be kept from one of their parents. I think Angelina wants to cut Brad out because she’s done with him. It doesn’t work that way. Maybe 6 kids in a total of like 10 years as a couple was unwise.

I am a photographer by trade. My “thing” is cats in cosplay. My kitty Leia is my most well known set. Carrie Fisher favorited one of them on twitter and it was one of the highlights of my life. May the force be with her, indeed.

Would it be any different if this happened a week from now, in 2017? I can’t wait until the whole “Fuck 2016" thing is over. Bad things never stop happening; 2016 isn’t unique in this sense.

Wow. Side subject: Putting U.S. Grant at #1 is really suspect for this method of ranking. While he may have been impaired by alcohol, at the end of his life he wrote a memoir that is widely considered a masterpiece. It was published by Mark Twain, who praised it as on level with Caesar’s Commentaries, and the sales

I am so tired of republicans.

Please don’t glorify criminals just because they’re old.

Well, first off the title is Redbone... I mean come on. Secondly, I am trying really hard to understand the love for him his interactions with black women as a whole has always been at least for me, not great.

If you like that picture, you’ll love Trevor Noah’s take on it

Why would she acknowledge LaLa Land when she wants to champion movies with a minority cast like Moonlight?

Now now. I disagree with that as strongly as I disagree with GinAndTonic’s (assumed) assertion that Atlanta isn’t good. Both are very good, very funny shows.

After he did his level best to block it (or discussion of it) before the election. No, fuck him. Fuck him to death with Trump’s short little fingers.

Oh, so NOW Yertle the Turtle is willing to entertain the probability of Russian interference?

So happy to see Lithgow nominated for The Crown. He is just mesmerizing as Chruchill. I completely forget that he is American.