
Not a chance in the world. I’m liberal and I would be very against a commutation. Just because she’s trans doesn’t mean she deserves a lesser sentence. I do believe that that is the catalyst to this movement. People can’t separate the two things.

In light of WikiLeaks’s involvement in this election cycle, I highly doubt her sentence will be commuted any time soon. Even though the information she released has nothing to do with the election (obviously, having be in prison for the last six years), Manning’s leaked documents really put WikiLeaks on the map.

Man, not to do the Jezebel-hates-Jennifer-Lawrence thing, but that was one of the worst among bad, insincere, I-haven’t-learned-anything celebrity apologies.

I didn’t realize your 3 and 5 year old were personally responsible for the state of the world but if you really feel like ruining their Christmas instead of doing anything proactive like, oh, I don’t know, contacting your senator or volunteering with an organization that’s actively affected by the state of things,

At this point, I honestly don’t even know what to say- there’s just no words to express the absolute insanity of what we are witnessing. There isn’t a single touchpoint I can reference to provide parallel or precedence. Can’t yell “1984" or “It Can’t Happen Here”, because even those seem to be set in some sort of

Mia X was talented. This broad sucks.

Love letters to LA are so boring and overdone. By the time LA Story came out, it was enough. How about movie set in Minneapolis, about their thriving arts scene? New York and LA aren’t the only cities.

I like the jib of your jab.

How about Mark Burnett stages the inauguration as a mashup of his programs? Trump is dropped into an actual shark tank that’s on a desert island and he screams until his voice is gone and we see if he’s a survivor.

But seriously, I’ve been trying to watch Man in High Castle, and it’s not half as good. I’ve watched the whole season of Good Girls Revolt 3 times and repurchased the book. I also showed it to my mom and she is hooked now, too. What is Amazon playing at? Don’t they know that young women are one of the strongest

Is David O’Russell the low-cost Irish scab one hires when one can’t get David O. Russell, like Senor Spielbergo?

I know a lot of people find Zoey Deschanel annoying and twee, but I legit love her and her quirkiness. There, I said it. She reminds me of my girlfriends in that she give no fucks about going hard on her aesthetic because she genuinely likes it. Come at me, bro.

This comment is great. Cuts right to the heart of the matter and clarifies both sides sympathetically and succinctly.

She was very close to her family. But it was well known in Corpus Christi her dad was not that supportive of her English pop music transition and resented her husband’s support of her. They have retained a tight control over image to protect it from exploitation. It’s so horrible they can’t agree how to present her

If you’re familiar with low-end commercial property in California of all grades, it’s a pretty safe assumption that a Chinese national owns a large part of it. There are a lot of rich Chinese, increasingly from the mainland, who own both commercial and residential property in California—sometimes directly but usually

they both kinda look like deep sea fish that surfaced too fast

This is what his kid heard.

If you can even imagine, Tom Ford is even more insufferable in person. He acts like he is burdened by the weight of his greatness.