
You didn’t learn about the thigh gap formula in high school geometry?

“Fairy Dust,” the film travels through the dark underbelly of the soul: we bear witness to sexual obsession, the agonizing renegotiation of selfhood, and more generally a woman claiming her right to be fucked up....


I know he isn’t popular in these parts but I think Trevor Noah just did a really good segment on basically how to deal with this - especially at the end of this segment. you have to talk to these people like toddlers. not in a mean way - but in a “explain yourself” way. don’t argue, just question them into oblivion. I

Eh, I don’t have a president the next 4 years.

Kellyanne reminds me of a worn-out, fucked up animatronic at a pizza restaurant where the one eye doesn’t open all the way.

THIS. Sorry, kids. Daddy’ll see you in heaven.

If my children were being held hostage, and a ransom note were delivered to me, and the kidnappers’ only demand was for me to watch a Trump rally right now, we’d have a heckuva memorial service for those little buggers.

Now playing

I can see it now.
A dramady about a young white woman, trying to make her way in a world that caters to people with dark skin tones.

Well said!

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.

I really hope they give him time to develop. People tend to forget/ignore the fact that Jon Stewart’s first few years were almost unwatchable. Noah is killing it in comparison. He just needs time to gain confidence and for people to finally move on from Stewart.

Those of us who believe that the free exchange of ideas aren’t upset in the least.

People got mad when Trevor wasn’t instantly good and now that he is good they’re mad he’s not Jon. Dude can’t win.

It feels so good to see her squirm under the heat like this. She stuttered at almost every question he asked and raised her voice at every turn to try to prove her horrible racist points.

Yes. I can’t wait to read his memoir. I read a great interview where he talks about racism in the US vs SA. Brilliant stuff. If I can find the link, I’ll post it.

Wow. I’m kinda speechless. She is very infuriating. I’ve never heard an interview with her. Someone like her will never be able to understand another point of view. She’ll never understand white-privilege. Seems like...ugg, I don’t have the energy.

With head firmly placed in hands, while I wish there were a better climate for Trevor Noah to come into his own. I just can’t believe how he could hold his grace and temper as well as he did with this particular specimen of hyper-partisanship. Given time, he’s becoming a worthy successor to Jon Stewart. His memoir was

Oh, look, poor, little put-upon Aryan Barbie. The racists! Won’t anyone think of the racists?!