
Yeah, lady, just let them justify their persecution complex.

Can we please stop with the cowardly passive aggressive horseshit?

They need to let her go in the worst way. I don’t get it after they’ve been called multiple times on the carpet for it. That shit ain’t cute.

Yeah, sad to say but after reading this piece’s re-working of the incident, I knew exactly who had written it, without needing to look at the byline. Sigh.

Azealia Banks is a black woman, so Kara Brown automatically felt the knee-jerk need to defend her. If you look at Kara’s history of articles, it’s obvious that she is obsessed with race, to the point of being really one-dimensional and predictable as a writer. I realize it’s a lie when people say “I don’t see race,”

How is this patronizing?

Trump came across as a rich schoolboy who didn’t study and bluffed his way through the exam.

And she did, methinks.

I actually met Jonah Peretti once at some tech thing. He asked me if I was waiting in line and I said no and he said thanks.

If you’re carrying enough water weight to produce tears, you’re too bloated for the runway fam.

I was expecting a Lucky Blue Smith type or something. This guy looks like run of the mill eurotrash and about on part with her (physically)

To each his/her own, but... no.

Fuck Susan g koman

I’m not totally sure I would disagree with assessment of SGK. Actually sad.

I have little empathy for people who use mental illness as a get-out-of-jail-free card for abominable behavior. She’s shown on multiple occasions how she can be incredibly racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and those are not traits that automatically come with the territory of being mentally ill. If

Fuck that. Google azealia banks mental illness: first thing that comes up is a screed she wrote about why calling zayn malik slurs was a way to fight whiteness and help him get #woke. If this woman is mentally ill she’s never publicly confirmed it and we shouldn’t act like she is on the basis of this behavior.

It’s your responsibility to get help if you have a mental illness. You can’t run around and be violent and destructive, and people are going to continue to feel sorry for you. That’s not how the world works...

My mother is a schizophrenic. But she’s also an arsehole. And being an arsehole is why she’ll be alone this Christmas. Mental illness isn’t a get out of jail free card forever.

Nonsense. She is mean spirited first and foremost. Chalking up every form of assholery to “mental illness” is both hugely insulting to people who are mentally ill and a weak justification for the bad behavior of a nasty, homophobic bigot. Ms. Banks needs to slither back under her rock.

Being a female POC isn’t a “get

What mental illness does azealia banks have besides being a huge asshole?