
zut suit alors!

Mon dew!

Isn’t this pretty much the premise of The Stepford Wives?

Is that desire for connection, the kind we feel with our best, most intimate friendships, and our sexual desires inextricable? In other words, most of us believe that sex is part of some other plane emotional connection, but is that really an essential aspect of sex, or an expectation and/or learned association we

Excellent Manga on this subject called, “Absolute Boyfriend.” Also was a live action series in Japan.

I don’t disagree on the whole, but honestly, I’m disgusting and in women terms I’m fucking disgusting. I’ve given up on finding a cool woman who likes some of the things I like and is semi attractive. So as I roll through middle age, the idea of a sex robot seems rather.....comforting.

wow, and i thought i was isolated. dude, i have autism, and this spiel made me sad for you.

...or because they’re not cut out for a relationship. This will tend to remove the dating-retarded and those just wanting sex from the dating pool, leaving the better quality, more committed people.

because connection helps you to keep your humanity alive.

It’s definitely going to be a majority male fanbase. There just isn’t the same push for women to have a male slave. Pretty much every religion/culture has always dictated the perfect woman to be submissive to a man’s every desire.

Sort of squicks me too. The only thing I’d add is put this in the context of everything else AI is gradually learning to do. Drive our cars, write news articles, compose music, diagnose medical conditions, provide legal advice... Love and sex may feel more intimate (and sex bots get more page clicks) but it helps to

You’re looking at it from a male perspective. How do we know that it’s not predominantly men who will be replaced? In terms of sex men and women aren’t really equal, men have longer refractory periods, men get tired etc. Whereas a sex bot A) might never rush through foreplay and B) might never finish prematurely. Oh

Yeah, connection is where it’s at. I’m sure that, for some, a sex robot could be helpful in separating the desire for sex from the desire for connection. But, I imagine that for many (most?) it would replace connection altogether.

Gina Rodriguez is that social media friend who won’t stop gushing about her “King”, then 3 months later cross posts a cryptic message from Instagram like

Balloons are Having A Year!

The sound of the baby’s heart eventually breaks the moment of silence and Zoey says, “Thank you, God,” which could be an instinctual reaction from her—she could still be questioning her beliefs.

I perfectly understand the meaning and origin of “transmisogyny,” but it really strikes me as the sort of word that really shouldn’t have been allowed outside the hothouse of academia. It is a delicate flower of a word, able to survive only in a narrow range of temperatures and an even narrower range of soil

Those clothes are ugly and useless and they make me angry and sad

That’s not exactly the complete narrative of this mess, but whatever you need to tell yourself to continue this martyr complex thing you have going on...

OR it could be that some commenters are annoyed that you hijack comment threads and hold everyone emotionally hostage, forcing internet STRANGERS into investing in your emotional well-being. You know, like you’re doing right now.