
Found the never-nude.

Leslie Jones is a damn treasure. I tire of people trying to wear her down.

“When you’re accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression” - not my quote.

I’m not sure that they are real. And the people who clutch their pearls over her supposed racism and anti-Semitism follow out-and-proud racists and anti-Semites without batting an eye.

No. Her detractors openly say similar things and worse. These dubious tweets got dragged out late in the game. Smearing her as racist and anti-Semitic was a part of the harassment.

Again, I’m not trying to excuse it - I’m simply providing the reasoning.

Don’t forget that they’re also smearing her as racist and anti-Semitic. Because self-awareness.

I maintain that a lot of the cruelty online can be traced to stupid, alienated, hormone-poisoned teenage trolls– the kind who’d trip me in the hall between classes in Junior High School.

Those people have real power. No they wouldn’t have.

This has just been utterly despicable. Lainey nailed it. They are so scared to give away one fucking inch of their stranglehold on media that they can't even bear 1(!!) person encroaching on their turf. The one tiny morsel of hope in this is that they are on the losing side and it's going to start slow and hit them so

That is really well put, thanks for sharing.

I think it is a combination of “people who point out racists are the real threat to this country” with “if I somehow am inadvertently exposed to a picture or video of a woman I personally don’t want to fuck I am being oppressed.”

I think this nails it. Leslie Jones made the classic “error” of being what prior generations of bigots would call an “uppity negro” (and a woman to boot!). To many, that in itself is sufficient to merit extreme punishment, lest she inspire others. Since the burning cross and the hangman’s rope are currently outré,

Agreed. Imagine what it must be like to be a woman of color, who aspires to a career in the public eye, watching all this go down. It looks terrifying. The thought of being targeted, attacked, and exposed by a mob of ruthless strangers, all for the crime of daring to exist where people can see and hear you. It makes

I hope this makes her double-down. More loud, more proud!

Thanks for this! Great insight.

If you don’t spend the first 20 years of your career being pop/mainstream and conforming to the ‘mainstream’ white, middle-American ideal of beauty, you’re bound to get this sort of racist vitriol as an African American woman. I think you only have to look at Beyonce to see this.

Lainey is great, she’s probably right too and it’s so disturbing that she is.

Lainey has been kicking ass on this issue the past few months.

Great find. I would agree with that assessment. It is truly sad that people are so sick to be attacking her like this. Fuck them. #ImWithLeslieJones