
Caroline basic ass Wozniacki

Yup and yes! The whole point is that bodies are coded in different ways like you said. So for the OP to be so dismissive and bring up a lazy point using a very average white woman who was glorified for what Black women have been demeaned for is bullshit. People are taught to read Black and white bodies in different

Also you have to look at the larger socio-historical context in which white women's bodies and Black women's bodies have been constructed. Yes, white women's bodies have been objectified through the buxom and curvy descriptions. However, the construction of Black women's bodies is linked to more damaging stereotypes


The point is the WOC have rarely been praised for being "buxom" or "curvy", instead we've been treated like specimens under the white gaze or like trash for whites to mock and demean.

Carefree Black girls...yaaasssss!!!

Dead on.

Um, didn't she trigger everyone a few weeks ago by getting that lady on stage to vomit all over her?

I just want to bathe in her essence. She is looking so good.

These come in darker shades but not my darker shade. The one I tried looked ashy and it was the darkest. Also, only select products come in darker shades, not all of them. I'd rather spend money on a product that I know comes in my shade and all the products come in that shade as well.

thank you!

White supremacy is real and is an organizing principle of every single facet of this society :(

Thank you so much for the advice. I tried the MUFE HD but it wreaked havoc on my oily skin even with a primer. Unfortunately, in my city Revlon doesn't come in darker shades :( . I like Black Opal as well. I will definitely try the the other brands you suggested, I will search for the pro stores. Thanks for

Amen sis. I don't even fuck with Lancome and just walk past the counter because I know intuitively that whatever they are shilling will never match my skin tone. They need to do better. Instead of having Lupita as the spokesperson, I would rather they sold makeup in my shade. My only options are MAC and Iman.

This is nice and all (Lupita is my bae) but when is Lancome going to start making foundation and powder in my shade? Not all their products are made for a dark skinned Black woman like me, half of the products only come in 50 shades of beige and it pisses me off.

I can't stand listening to Iggy, she's just too damn nasally sounding for my ears.



As a Black woman, Debbie's intentions do not matter. I don't care how many Black people she claims she grew up with. Like the commenter above said, just because she's been doing it since 2007 or whatever, that doesn't justify the fact that she objectifies Black women in her videos as much as Miley does. If she grew

I have it bookmarked, ready for the "white people are the real minority...black on white crime statistics show..." types