
LMAO why are you still here?


I couldn't resist.

I will just re-paste this here: Um, Timbaland gave Justin Timberlake, Aaliyah, Nelly Furtado and Missy a career and he co-produced half of Beyonce's last album and most of Magna Carter Holy Grail. Smh

Um, Timbaland gave Justin Timberlake, Aaliyah, Nelly Furtado and Missy a career and he co-produced half of Beyonce's last album and most of Magna Carter Holy Grail. Talmbout "he fell off"...smh

This numbskull always shows up in discussions about racism to input their daily dose of racist trolling. They don't need education, I tried that before. They need an exorcism.

Why are you so useless?

How did you manage to make it this far in life with such little self-awareness, a lack of social skills and the reasoning and logic skills of piece of plywood? Why do you appear where you are not needed or wanted? Why do you feel the need to share your basic ass, racist ass opinions with everyone? Why do you make

I see nothing has changed in Belgian media in the past 80 years.

Why do you exist?

Why are you sharing my oxygen?

How did you manage to become so completely useless?

She obviously wasn't able to leave seeing as he killed her. She will never be able to leave.

Girl you weren't even in the game, smh.

Cool story bro, but no.

Who are you? Oh that's right, irrelevant.