
I know you don't care about the videos I post because you want to stick to your guns and propose this ridiculous theory you have about racism and racist representations. However, my friend your assumptions and proposals have no basis in theory or fact, your word has no authority precisely because it's something you

I was just pointing out how silly you sound. You should probably stop now.

I would edit "guys" out and replace it with people.

I'm full Black (like dark-skinned out of Africa Black), don't tell me that whiteface is hypocritical darling.

Screammmiing! I need people to do better.

what do you mean by ignorant exactly, you're being too vague

Why are you still here?

lol you keep using the word "ignorant" and it is really weakening your argument.

It's still not racism though. Just because you deem it racism according to your narrow and uniformed worldview through which you fail to examine the socio-historical context in which racism has been constructed and perpetuated, it doesn't make it racism. You tried.

Now playing

My issue with you is that you automatically equate racially stereotyping with racism and are purposely divorcing it from the socio-historical context in which racism aka white supremacy was constructed and used as a tool to justify the subjugation of people of color. Watch this and come chat to me when you've

that's cute

Ok, but just don't expect to succeed in life because it's quite clear that you are a useless being.

Life has failed you.

me as I progress through the comments from all the angry white people:

lol no

lol ok, hahaha

It's not racism. Making fun of white people and hurting their feelings =/= racism. You have to come up with a better definition of racism.