
That or they are blaming in order to sue Tesla. Wheeeee


So Serious question then: Likelihood of Mexico being awarded the World Cup for 2026....

Everytime I saw a trailer I just cringed. It was like ‘no thanks I’m good’. It just looked BAD. I figure it will do fantastic overseas but is not going to meet expectations in the US. I just don’t understand why they HAD to make a movie.. unless they thought this was going to fix their subs.

Partially this feels like him lighting matches on a bridge on his way to Chelsea.

I’ll just stay over here with Supergirl and Flash.

I was totally I ignoring Downward Dog... But now I know it has Allison Tolman in it..ummm conflicted.. So conflicted... Terrible looking but I adore her.

Arlington, Texas.. Two world class stadiums but can’t be bothered to have any public transportation.

Shocked! Shocked I say!

Wasn’t this guy hired by Blatter?? Shouldn’t an independent invesigator Not be on their payroll?

Think this could apply to the most recent books as well. Recent being used loosely.

Honestly I think they would have lost their shit more over Ming-Na versus white. They don’t truck with that. I seem to remember some brouhaha over the casting of Chinese actresses as the leads in Memoirs of a Geisha (hated that book SO. MUCH.)

I love the ‘She looks way too kind’ comment. LOL... oh god.. T Swift??? NO.

If it’s almost a sport... Its on the Ocho... ESPN8

Holy Crap that lump.... uhhhh dude needs to get that checked out.

Kind of nice to know we aren’t the only country with people who fly off the handle for no good reason and try to stir shit up. But seriously.. Its Messi. There are people who would pay a fortune for his dirty tissues.


I still have these I think. Somewhere... In a closet in my parents house.

When I was in China i tried and failed to use the Eastern Toilets..if I wasn’t at the hotel I found a Starbucks. Hate them all you want but I was able to find a proper US toilet in there. They saved my life.

That’s a ....unique choice for a team to take after winning a Super bowl. So no plans for any kind of title defense.