Let us also remember these are peole who probably have no problem walking up to a strange woman and groping her stomach asking her when she’s due. Bastards.
Let us also remember these are peole who probably have no problem walking up to a strange woman and groping her stomach asking her when she’s due. Bastards.
Fucking Perfection.
Awwwww these are cute. Hope for a follow-up in February.
Interesting and fucked up. I’m glad she had the blood test to prove who her father actually was.
Pay money??!? Meh.
I don’t know if the empire doesn’t care about how it looks after all this is the empire ruled by an emperor who has a guards dressed from head to toe in scarlet. Unless of course it’s to hide the blood.
Does this mean DC will be bringing back Hostess Fruit Pies as a weapon of choice? No villain can resist that golden crust and sweet fruit filling.
Seriously Tinkoff is a raging egomaniac. I think he hinders training since he often rides with the team in practice.
God I forgot that.. how could I forgot that. Man likes to play fast and loose with weddings.
Not that its going to happen but what’s the fastest anyone’s gone from League Champs to Relegated? Also did anyone else watch the Primier League Download interview with Mourinho.. He kept talking about how Chelsea and he were so very very humble... he said it over and over... so glorious.
Honestly I always felt it said a lot more about Quesada’s real opinion about marriage than the Marvel Brass.
Hol-ee shit.
I don’t see the humiliation for Real Madrid myself. United looks like the keystone cops and ends up losing the money they would have gotten for him. They have a glut of keepers who unless they dump one off in the next few hours they are stuck with paying. De Gea is probably going to sit out much of this season thanks…
And marrying a subpar professional quarterback.
Man I almost forgot she existed. She always knows just when to slither out of her cave.