“usually reasonable burlap sack full of rancid Peeps...” -do you lie awake at night thinking of these? They are simply epic and may get me through the next year with these asshats.
“usually reasonable burlap sack full of rancid Peeps...” -do you lie awake at night thinking of these? They are simply epic and may get me through the next year with these asshats.
An 80% yoy decline—Reelz or not—is awesome. That’s the best thing I’ve read all day.
Omg last night Rachel Maddow was talking about this editorial from Jersey’s biggest paper, and (SPOILER!) it’s a BARN BURNER:
I’m going to take a short detour into devil’s advocacy for a second, but just to be absolutely clear: I think Rand Paul’s politics are wholly repugnant, and he absolutely shit the bed here in about every way possible. I actually have contact embarrassment at how badly he handled that. But looking at the question from…
Oh for fuck’s sake.
baby formula, which has "too many chemicals,"
From Revelations (which would be a perfect name for a Christian themed strip club)
Dear Fundies,
I have prepared a handy list of tips on how to protect yourself from potential exposure to the Ebola virus:
Thinking on it, you've got a point. The sexism is there, it's just that in the case of writing in games, it shows itself as a reflexive choice of narrative element.
"Wanna show a bad guy? Kill a woman!"
Two things - killing someone is the easy route choice, followed by what is pretty much automatic in making a…
I just want to be clear on the selection bias. They're using ONLY data from people that cheat to say monogamy is a failure FOR EVERYONE. Isn't that a bit like using interviews with atheists to "prove" about how organized religion is a massive failure? I'm not defending either institution, but using those who have…
As a women of color currently serving her term as an enlisted member of the United States military, I thought I might comment. They shaved my head in boot camp because I refused to have my hair cornrowed, just as I refuse to chemically relax my hair. Not to put too fine a point on it, I did this voluntarily, and I…
This is upsetting. I'm supposed to take my imaginary kids to get ice cream in a place that supports an abortion factory!? What if they order that ice cream? What am I supposed to say to them? Every time you put that spoon in your mouth an ethnic, liberal, whore kills a baby? Am i also supposed to break it to them that…
I wonder what the population of women in women-only prisons is? I bet it's higher.
He's a loser for writing it, she's a loser for suing.
I feel like the White Knight of NuKinja with this knowledge, but for some reason you can't recommend posts while in the highlighted responses mode. If you click over to all replies, you can, and sometimes if you click on the post so that responses to it come up, you can recommend those. It is all a disaster.