Tim arnold

SORRY forgot: Keeps your hands on the handlebars, it’s daytime bright, light weight, cheap and keeps you from being run over in a race or trail ride. Works good for peripheral vision while sight seeing when riding. Blinking & stop lights caution car drivers to watch and slow down for you

It's daytime bright, light weight, cheap and keeps you from being run over in a race or trail ride. Works good for peripheral vision while sight seeing when riding. Blinking & stop lights caution car drivers to watch and slow down for you.

A lot of you are missing the main point, its a warning light that your slowing or stopping. It's very bright for daytime use, cheap, & might keep you from getting run over on the trail or in a race. When cars see flashing or stop lights they use caution and slow down. I got 2 so I can see my wife slow down in front of