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    LOLOL Verte, you are BRILLIANT.

    Maybe so!!!

    But there are some instances when royal blood is needed - such as the instance where only Renard could wake up Juliette when she was Sleeping Beauty. So obviously, TPTB felt that there was something significant about being a royal. And think about it: The changes of getting a Grimm, Wesen, Hexenbiest, and Royal all at

    I never could figure out the whole Hexen/Zauber thing. Thanks for that explanation! So in that regard, he could learn a bit from Renard, his sister's dad.

    So would the rest of us. Only so much shirtless pulchritude we can take!

    I honestly thought it would have been nice for them to give Eve/Renard a real chance at the end there. I actually liked them together! They worked for me.

    And she was preggers at the time. LOLOL.

    This way, those who are fans of a Nick/Trubel ship can still keep their ships sailing… after all, third cousins are not forbidden anywhere in the world. That's how I see it, anyhow.

    That was So. Stinking. Funny. And it mirrors what lots of us as parents think sometimes about our beloved children. LOL. "You'll be bringing the kid back soon!"

    LOL Exactly. Give the girl a compliment and she never hears it!!!

    I always thought it was because she was part hexenbiest, part zaurbiest, and part royal. I think they should have thrown "the blood of a royal" into the whole "blood of a Grimm, Wesen, and Hexenbiest" and make Renard more valuable. And had him take off his shirt to do it.

    I know it's trite, but I kept thinking "Don't trash the spice shop! That's your friend's livelihood! She's gonna have a hard time replacing all that stuff!"

    DAMN. Shirtless smackdown. <wipes up="" drool="" from="" keyboard="">

    Call me Pollyanna (for the first time in… ever…) but I. LOVED. IT.

    Doesn't matter. Perhaps she figured Maggie would act like an adult. And let me tell you - as a health care worker, you don't DREAM of disclosing health information, even if they are a co-worker, if you have been instructed not to do so.

    I know, right? Even Becky: "THIS is your weakness." "Nah. Meg is good."

    LOL. She deserves a slap in the face!

    I liked Amelia in Private Practice but she's always had a mean streak; like a mean "dry drunk" thing going on. As someone said earlier, if Hunt was okay with NOT having kids, he would have still been with Christina. At this point I felt she pretty much deserves to be alone.

    I was noticing that too and wondering.

    No. It's not. You are not ENTITLED to know your parent's medical business just because you work at the hospital. And I can't believe you are pounding on the MOM with CANCER dealing with it the BEST WAY SHE CAN and instead expecting her to care about the "rift" her spoiled daughter's temper tantrum could cause.