Tariq Moustapha

I would have liked to have seen 12 Monkeys on the list.

The blooper reels from Babylon 5 are pretty great. They're bootlegged all to hell, so the video quality isn't good, but the content is hysterical.

I'm surprised not to see a mention of Futurama. Bender's Big Score has constant references to Torgo's executive powder (made from grinding up idiotic television executives) and Rebirth's whole opening sequence is a gag about how they're now on Comedy Central.

When I was at the B5 reunion at Phoenix Comiccon last year, they used his speech from Objects in Motion for the In Memoriam.

In Objects at Rest (the 2nd to last episode), Delenn comments that the most difficult word in English for her to learn was goodbye, because there is no Minbari equivalent. The Minbari believe that in every parting there remains the possibility of reunion, so there is no word with the permanence of goodbye.
The last

I don't think time travel is being implied in any way in the finale. The Earth that the Colonials and Cylons find mid-Season 4 is the planet originally found by the 13th tribe which is not the same as our Earth, which they find in the finale. The whole series is set 150K years in the past, much in the same way that

For all of the problems with Byron, I think we do get some payoff with Wheel of Fire which gives us a plausibly changed Lyta and an interesting impetus for Garibaldi to reassert his sobriety.

All of the Assassin's Creed titles prior to 3 were based on the idea of freerunning through sprawling historical environments. Climbing to the top of the Colosseum, or the Hagia Sophia, or the Duomo were simply beautiful and the visual cues telling you where you could run and jump were clear without being separate

The .24 update for Kerbal Space Program just came out, so I'll be launching little green men into space this weekend.